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Products>Stand Up: How to Flourish When the Odds Are Stacked Against You

Stand Up: How to Flourish When the Odds Are Stacked Against You


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Stand Up addresses the growing need for women to enter the narrative of how American culture is presently being shaped and leave their mark on a world screaming for relevance, excellence, and truth.

Divisiveness and double standards have overrun our culture. If everyone stands up and models decency, courage, and good manners, communities and families will flourish. Stand Up is a battle cry for women to take a posture of readiness and action, determine their purpose, plan for successes, and overcome the loneliness that threatens this silent majority. René Banglesdorf, an entrepreneur, encourages women to exemplify good behavior in the areas of temptation, forgiveness, and hypocrisy—three areas that threaten especially Christian women’s credibility in a searching world. Stand Up explains how women who want to leave a legacy can repurpose their fears, recover from failures, get what they want out of life, and press on to fulfill their destiny. The unique perspective from a female executive in a 99-percent-male-dominated role—who spent many of her career-development years as a stay-at-home mom—compels women of all ages to believe the best can be ahead of them if they indeed stand up, stand out, and stand firm in their beliefs.

René Banglesdorf is co-founder and CEO of Charlie Bravo Aviation, a company that buys, sells, and leases corporate aircraft worldwide. She is part of an elite group?only four percent of high-level aviation positions overall are held by women. René serves as a spokesperson for business aviation and women in aviation and serves as Vice President-Communications on the International Aviation Women's Association board. In 2018, she held organized, and emceed the IAWA Inaugural GA Women’s Leadership Forum. René met her husband and Charlie Bravo Aviation co-founder, Curt, while studying journalism at Ohio University. René currently resides in Georgetown, Texas.


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