Rachael Adams was sitting in a church pew one Sunday morning when a love offering envelope caught her eye. She sensed the Lord whisper to her heart, “You are My love offering. I’ve given you My love. Now how are you going to give My love to those around you?”
Rachael’s heart overflowed; she felt a burning desire to help others feel God’s precious gift.
In Everyday Prayers for Love: Learning to Love God, Others, and Even Yourself, Rachael extends the tender invitation from a loving God to His beloved. She explores the concept of biblical love and then guides readers through practical ways to live out love for others.
In this thirty-one-day devotional and reflective journal for women, you will:
• Realize that God is love
• Understand the characteristics of biblical love
• Grasp how much God truly loves you
• Learn how to love yourself
• Live out love through your actions toward others
• Experience fulfillment through living out your purpose to love
• Develop a deeper prayer life
Everyday Prayers for Love will help you discover who God is leading you to love in a tangible way—and motivate you to impact others with the gift of love.
In Everyday Prayers for Love, Rachael does a beautiful job of bringing us biblical and practical ways to grow in love, walk in love, and love others deeply. Love can be difficult to live out at times because we’ll never measure up to Jesus’s great love for us. But through stories, verses, questions, and prayers, you’ll finish reading having a better grasp of our responsibility to be a love offering to Christ and to others.
Rachael beautifully illustrates God’s desire for us to see, sense, and share His love. Her devotions offer opportunities for us to shift our focus off of ourselves and more toward loving others with intention, all while showing how God loves us deeply and completely. This book is one you’ll be reaching for many times throughout your walk with Jesus—because we need the reminder of how loved we are and what it looks like to live sharing His love.
In a world that is confused and boasts proudly, “Love is love,” Rachael offers a glimpse into what true biblical love is. She incorporates Scripture with personal stories in this concise devotional that is easily applicable for any woman in any stage of life. It is only when we understand what God’s love is and how to live it out that our life truly begins as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Everyday Prayers for Love is perfect for the new believer or seasoned saint, inviting readers to go deeper into their faith in only a few minutes a day. Through transparency in her sharing of her own struggles, coupled with the timeless truths of Scripture, Rachael invites readers to experience Christ’s compassion alongside the Holy Spirit’s conviction. Each devotional is uplifting and engaging, but I especially enjoyed the opportunities for further study and personal reflection. I am grateful for the reminder of Christ’s love for me and encouragement to show Jesus’s love to others.
In Everyday Prayers for Love: Learning to Love God, Others, and Even Yourself, Rachael crafts together daily practices for us to live out the love of God to others and ourselves. This devotional will guide you through Scripture to understand how God loves us and how we can show His love to others around us every day. It’s a powerful and practical guide for our lives.
Everyday Prayers for Love is a compelling and beautifully written guide that thoughtfully unpacks the true essence of love as defined by Scripture. With Jesus at the center, Rachael leads readers to a deeper understanding of what love is—and what it isn’t—using 1 Corinthians 13 as her foundation. Each short devotional is paired with insightful reflection questions and prayers, making this book a must-have tool for anyone seeking to grow in love for God, others, and even themselves. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
Everyday Prayers for Love infused me with the essence of God’s unconditional love and compelled me to live it out. One day at a time, hope and encouragement of God’s goodness started to swell in and around me as Rachael’s relatable personal stories and biblical examples solidified my belief in the blessed life portrayed in these pages. We can grow in a life of abundance as we steady our gaze on God’s great love for us and the example He offered through the life of His Son, Jesus. This devotional will not only nurture your soul but will help set your eyes on the gift of God’s perfect love, allow you the gift of loving others and Him back, and offer richer tastes of the continual blessings He delights to pour into your life.
Have you ever wondered what the definition of love truly is? Have you looked at the way the world is currently defining the word and known something was (majorly) off but felt helpless to do anything about it? Rachael Adams is here to be your guide. In this practical devotional, Rachael walks us through a biblical definition of love and helps us know not only how to love others in the world we live in today, but also how to function from a place of knowing we are deeply loved by God. It’s just what the doctor ordered. Give yourself the gift of Everyday Prayers for Love.
Rachael Adams will become more than an author to you as you experience Everyday Prayers for Love. She will become a trusted friend and gentle guide who has not only lived her message, but who also has loved deeply. She longs for you to be swept away by the love of God so that you, in turn, can love those souls He puts in your path.
Rachael Adams wants to wholeheartedly live out her faith through her roles as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, church member, writer, speaker, and podcast host. She realized her love for God and sharing His love for others through His Word while leading Bible studies in her home church.
She began her podcast, The Love Offering, in January 2019. To date, Rachael has interviewed nearly 260 men and women. Each week, she interviews guests who are loving people well with the gifts they have been given and living out their faith in practical ways.
In October 2020, Rachael began The Love Offering blog series. Every Thursday, she publishes stories from guest writers on living out the greatest commandments.
Through her own experience and the conversations she’s had, Rachael realized that many Christian women doubt what they have to offer. This prompted her to write a devotional titled A Little Goes a Long Way: 52 Days to a Significant Life, published in 2022.
In addition to facilitating a weekly Bible study, Rachael leads a quarterly women’s event called The Gathering. This is held at her home church, but women from all over her community and state travel to attend.
Rachael believes people want to make their everyday lives count but do not believe they can make a significant impact. Her hope through her ministry is to encourage women to realize their God-given purpose and embolden them to move into the world through compassionate action. She prays it leads others to salvation, into a deeper relationship with God, and loving service that points people to Him. She believes that when we love God by loving others, we fulfill our overarching mission as Christians and live a life marked by faithfulness.
Rachael received her Bachelor of Arts from Transylvania University. She and her husband Bryan live in Kentucky with their two children. Connect with her by visiting rachaelkadams.com.