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Products>The ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament

The ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament

Digital Logos Edition

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Logos Bible Software, in partnership with the publishers of the ESV, has produce this state-of-the-art reverse interlinear of the Old Testament. This unique interlinear breaks with the convention of traditional interlinear texts by keeping the English as the top-line entry and placing the Hebrew text underneath it. This approach allows you to see firsthand the accuracy with which the translators of the English Standard Version of the Bible (ESV) rendered the Hebrew text.

The ESV is an "essentially literal" translation of the Bible, emphasizing word-for-word accuracy and precision along with literary beauty and readability. It will benefit anyone from serious Bible scholars to those who simply desire to study the English text of the Old Testament as closely as possible to the original.

Valuable Resources Included:

  • Dictionary form of each Hebrew word
  • Morphology of each Hebrew word
  • Strong’s Number of each Hebrew word

The ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear of the Old Testament combines original language studies, advanced Bible study report capabilities, and one of the most popular, familiar Bible translations, the English Standard Version, into a complete Bible study tool. Now your Bible studies don't have to stop with simply reading a passage and doing simple word studies with a concordance or lexicon. You can venture into new language syntax studies, using an advanced, morphologically coded database to provide expert results on any original language study.

About This Resource

This state-of-the-art reverse interlinear Old Testament breaks with the convention of traditional interlinear texts by keeping the English as the top line entry and placing the Hebrew text underneath it. This approach allows you to see firsthand the accuracy with which the translators of the English Standard Version of the Bible (ESV) rendered the Hebrew text.

The ESV is an "essentially literal" translation of the Bible, emphasizing word-for-word accuracy and precision along with literary beauty and readability. It will benefit anyone from serious Bible scholars to those who simply desire to study the English text of the Old Testament as closely as possible to the original.

Valuable Resources Included:

  • Dictionary form of each Hebrew word
  • Morphology of each Hebrew word

The Benefits of the Reverse Interlinear Text

The ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear text opens up an enormous wealth of information for studying the Bible, for the serious scholar or the student looking to gain a better understanding of original language relationships. First, by providing the running text of the modern language version on the top line of this Interlinear, this resource is easy to read. The reverse interlinear design places the modern language text on the top line, so it is easy to follow along with the English version.

A "forward" interlinear displays the Hebrew text in original language order and gives a quick English translation of the original langauge word underneath. This is helpful, but lacks the full usability for only English speaking students of the Bible. The great thing about the reverse interlinear is that it "reverses" this order, placing a familiar English translation on the top line, followed by an original translation immediately below each word. This makes it easy for an English reader to follow along with the text, while being able to interact with the original language words in specific cases they want to study. With the advance tools in your Libronix Digital Library System, you can quickly jump from reading a passage of scripture to an original language word study, with just a quick click of the mouse.

The ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear is also designed specifically with many of our Bible reports in mind. By adding this tool to your library, you will enhance many of the already-advanced reports and be able to get more out of your electronic library. For example, the ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear works within the Bible Word Study report to retrieve original language root word reports in the new Hebrew Root Words section of the report. Your Bible Word Study report is expanded with additional results that make your studies more in depth, just by including this resource.

Advanced Data Resources Deepen Your Studies

Along with translating each English word into the original language, Hebrew, the ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear also includes morphological tagging for each word in the text. Morphological tagging is done by accounting for word usage in a particular sentence, how it fits into the complete sentence syntax, and how it interacts with other words in that sentence. By including morphological tagging, you not only have direct translations to the original language with the English text, but you can begin to analyze syntactical relationships between the words that make up the clause, and begin to better understand word context, sentence structure, and more. While this may sound daunting to the beginner, the ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear makes this entire process incredibly easy, especially through the incorporation of an advanced morphological database that presents the relevant information to the user.

Unique to the Logos Bible Software ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear is the use of the Andersen-Forbes Morphological Database. This is one of the most exciting new features to Logos Bible Software. The Andersen-Forbes Morphology contains complete syntax and morphology tagging data for the entire Hebrew Bible. This means the every word, phrase, and sentence have been annotatted for syntactic relationships. Because every word relationship is noted, the daunting task of finding word relationships or phrase boundaries within the original language has been performed for you. The ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear uses this data

Every syntax relationship in the Hebrew Bible text is now available to the English Bible student because of this morphological data set. This means that for any word study you do, there is specific data that tracks this word's relationship to the surrounding words in its sentence, giving you context-specific data. Because of this you are now able to understand specifc word relationships throughout scripture, just by studying sentence structure patterns in the original language and analyzing how words are translated. With data provided by the Andersen-Forbes Morphological Database in combination with the ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear, studies that were never possible in a standard Bible search are now easily accessible.


Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:


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  1. Seth Olesen

    Seth Olesen


    I also wish they would make this an actual print book like they did the New testament. I despise doing everything on a computer screen.
  2. Seth Olesen

    Seth Olesen


    is anyone else getting sick of not being able to just straight up buy single resources? I don't want to buy an expensive package and I don't want the verbum cloud package, I just want to buy this one single resources šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
  3. Matteo Roveglia
    How come that I donā€™t see the reverse Old Testament in my library
This product is not currently available to purchase.