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The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2025: Planning Sermons for Every Sunday of the Year

ISBN: 9781791032296


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The local pastor’s go-to resource for weekly sermon planning.

The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2025 is Lectionary-based and follows the calendar year (January - December). It includes special days like Maundy Thursday and Ash Wednesday, and indexes for Scriptures and themes, to assist preachers with non-Lectionary sermons.

Each entry begins with a preacher-to-preacher prayer for preparation, then moves to the key feature: a commentary on one or more texts for the week, exploring themes and storylines, theological reflections, and thoughts about how the text and topic relate to our lives today. Also included are ideas for bringing the text to life--stories, illustrations, ideas for further reading, questions the preacher might pose to the congregation, and suggestions for a ‘call to action’ in response to the message.

Finally, for the preacher’s ongoing enrichment, the Annual includes excerpts from new books on preaching and homiletics. This helpful resource is written by every-week preachers who aim to come alongside you, offering a reliable starting point for your sermonic planning, writing, and delivery.

New this year: Space within resources to make notes

Preachers will deliver sermons with more confidence and enthusiasm

Written by working preachers

Designed to spur the preacher's imagination and sermon development

Additional space allows preachers to make their own notes in the book, to capture their ideas, aiding in the sermon planning process

  • Title: The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2025: Planning Sermons for Every Sunday of the Year
  • Author: Charley Reeb
  • Publisher: Abingdon Press
  • Print Publication Date: 2024
  • Logos Release Date: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9781791032296, 9781791032289, 1791032281, 179103229X
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781791032296
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-04-29T21:22:02Z

Charley Reeb is the senior pastor of First United Methodist Church in Lakeland, Florida. He has a passion for preaching and loves helping other preachers hone their craft. He teaches preaching for the Course of Study at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia, and the License to Preach School for the Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church. Charley is the author of That’ll Preach and Say Something, a contributing writer for Feasting on the Word. He has written for Ministry Matters, Preaching Magazine, and Leading Ideas. He is a frequent preacher on the national radio program, Day1, and is a popular speaker and presenter at conferences and events.


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