This book is a culturally relevant presentation of the truth of the Trinity to the Muslim mindset.
Originally it was issued through a Turkish secular publishing house and had a countrywide repercussion, even in Islamic circles. It is a useful presentation for both Muslim and Christian readers, providing fundamental keys for understanding and explaining the Trinity
Prologue to the Spanish and English Versions
Prologue to the 1995 Turkish Version
Chapter 1 - Is It Possible to Know God?
The Unity of God
The Character of God
Chapter 2 - Towards a Correct Understanding
The Conclusions of Islamic Scholars
Three Qualities of Divinity
Anthropomorphic Adjectives
Chapter 3 - Illustrations and Definitions
"Unfolding" into Three Persons
The Concept of “Son of God” (Ibnu’llah, أبن الله)
The Divine Being, Word, and Action
The Word Takes on Bodily Form
The Son: Using the Terminology of Islamic Theologians
The Definition of the Trinity
Chapter 4 - Trinitarian Declarations in the Bible
Unicity of God
Plurality within the Divinity
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
The Three Are One and the Same God
The Trinity and Worship
The Three Persons Are Clearly Distinct
Chapter 5 - The Theological Approach
What Does “Divine Person” Mean?
Theological Enunciation
God the Father
God Is Father Because . . .
"Father" Expresses . . .
How Is the Person of the Father Differentiated from That of the Son or the Holy Spirit?
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
Relationship between the Three Divine Persons
Chapter 6 - The Incarnation
The Logos Is Uncreated
The Logos Is Eternal
The Logos Is the Almighty
Jesus Said He Was God
The Apostles Said Jesus Is God
Jesus Talks with God
The Son Is Yahweh Himself
The God-Man
Chapter 7 - Clues to Understanding the Trinity
Eternal Love Makes the Trinity an Imperative
The Incommensurable God
Let's Recapitulate
Fullness and Self-submission within God
The Triune Condition and Its Mystery
Toward the Creeds of the Early Church
The Apostolic Church Fathers and the Trinity
Writings by Clement (AD 95–115)
Letters by Ignatius of Antioch (AD 105–115)
Writings by Barnabas (AD 96–98 or 130–140)
Epistle to Diognetus (AD 150)
The Trinity in the Apocryphal Writings
Ignatian Apocrypha
The Nicene Creed (AD 325)
The Apostles’ Creed (AD 340)
The Chalcedonian Creed (AD 451)
Trinitarian Terminology—Transliteration of Arabic Terms into English and Their Meanings
The Seven Essential Attributes
The Six Intrinsic Attributes of the Divinity
Islamic Schools and Branches (Madh’hab)
Schools of Belief (Aqidah)
Terms, Concepts, and Names
Biblical References
The Surahs of the Qur’an and Qur’anic Quotes
It is a high privilege to recommend this unique book authored by long-term Spanish worker in Turkey. I can think of no other person more qualified to speak to the themes of the Christian Trinity to a secular or religious readership. Here we have a tested and articulate veteran of Islamic ministries who has seen his understandings put through the crucible, thus producing gold. My forty-two years of cross-cultural ministry have convinced me of the urgent need and strategic role that wise publications play in our engagement with those of Muslim convictions.
-William D. Taylor, Global Ambassador, World Evangelical Alliance, Senior Mentor, WEA Mission
Carlos Madrigal has come out with a masterful work on the Trinity. Even though it is designed for Muslims, it could well be used anywhere. This is the work of a first-class mind dealing with Christianity’s most difficult subject, especially in the face of Muslim misunderstandings of it. Anyone who reads this work will be wonderfully comforted in knowing how beautifully the triune God has moved to achieve our eternal salvation. I believe this book will become a classic.
-Don McCurry, Founder, Zwemer Institute of Muslim Studies Editor, The Gospel and Islam Author, Healing the Broken Family of Abraham: New Life for Muslims
Carlos Madrigal, born in Barcelona, is an art director, pastor, teacher, and writer. Married to Rosa Maria and the father of three children, he has served the Lord in Turkey since 1985, where he established the Istanbul Protestant Church, the first evangelical church to be officially recognized by the Turkish government. Carlos is also the author of more than a dozen Christian books in Turkish and is a regular guest on debate programs on Turkish national television channels.