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She Believed HE Could, So She Did: Trading Culture's Lies for Christ-Centered Empowerment

ISBN: 9780802473400


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Our culture has been lying to women. The world defines female empowerment as believing in yourself or looking within to find the power to succeed. But what happens when women grow weary from trying to do it all? Jesus offers a better way.  

Becky Beresford used to believe and even promoted some of society’s lies to women. But in God’s kindness, Becky came to the end of herself and embraced healing truth found in the Bible.  

Tired and frustrated with self-dependence, Becky wants to be God-dependent. In She Believed HE Could So She Did, Becky invites you to join her as she dismantles commonly held misconceptions and lies so we can live in real freedom and godly confidence.  

This is a brave journey toward freedom as we learn to experience Christ-centered empowerment–not by believing in ourselves . . . but by trusting in our faithful God. Becky devotes chapters to the most common messages promoted by our culture and gives readers dependable biblical truths grounded in the gospel:  

  • Believe in Your God vs. Believe in Yourself
  • Speak THE truth vs. Speak Your Truth
  • Follow Your King vs. Follow Your Heart
  • You Be His vs. You Be You
  • The Future is Found Together vs. The Future is Female
  • And so much more!

Together we will discover how to rely on the Holy Spirit in order to battle cultural lies, put the enemy in his place, and live boldly for Jesus. We will be lifted of the burden to find strength in ourselves and reassured of the hope, joy, and power that comes from living in Christ. We don’t have to be the savior of our own stories. 

Contrary to what you’ve been told, true female empowerment doesn’t start with a woman. It starts with a man, and His name is Jesus Christ. —Becky Beresford

“In her Christ-centered book, She Believed HE Could, So She Did, Becky Beresford reveals the truth of Jesus’ sufficiency as we make Him preeminent in our lives. Not only does her book breathe hope to our souls, it breathes relief as well.”
—STASI ELDREDGE, bestselling author, Captivating

“I’ve served in ministry for almost sixty years. Throughout that time, I’ve sought to empower God’s daughters to be and do all God has created them for. Becky Beresford has given us a deeply scriptural guide for living empowered, not in the world’s way of thinking, but in the courage and humility of walking with and learning from Jesus. One by one she exposes the lies the world feeds us and reveals transforming truths from God Himself.”
—JUDY DOUGLASS, speaker, author, encourager, Global Director for Cru’s Women’s Resources

“Many of us race through life while feeling anxious and overwhelmed. We believe the lie that if we just try harder and believe in ourselves more, THEN we will overcome. It’s an impossible standard to keep up with. In She Believed HE Could, So She Did, Becky shines a light on how to live a life of TRUE Christ-centered freedom by relying on God alone for our strength and sufficiency! I’m so relieved this message is out for all of us women to hear and embrace!”
—AMY FORD, founder and president of Embrace Grace; author of Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement

“Society and the enemy have lied to us. We’ve believed these false narratives for far too long, and it’s time to discover the truth. With biblical wisdom and courage, Becky Beresford challenges and changes our perspectives on ourselves and God. Through her book She Believed HE Could, So She Did, Becky is leading the charge to proclaim the freedom of the gospel. This book will transform you and change our culture. Get ready to believe and live differently.”
—RACHAEL ADAMS, author of A Little Goes a Long Way and host of The Love Offering podcast

“Today’s world is full of half-truths that are supposed to make us feel better about ourselves and our abilities but only end up making us feel inadequate, exhausted, and burned out. I am so guilty of this myself! But in She Believed HE Could, So She Did, Becky reminds us why these common sayings are actually lies and offers us an alternative through gospel truth. We are God’s daughters who can stand strong in who He created us to be. This is a book to read time and time again so you can be continually reminded of your God-given identity and be empowered to change the world around you with His strength.” 
—STEPH THURLING, coauthor of Raising Prayerful Kids; Executive Director of Christian Parenting

“We live in a culture that espouses, ‘If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.’ That is a burden many of my patients (and I) have carried that was never meant to be ours to carry. If we could make the world spin through our own efforts, we never would have needed a Savior who promised to carry our burdens. The choice is ours whether or not to cast our cares on Him. But striving to achieve every next thing in our own strength is exhausting. Take Becky’s hand, learn from her transparent sharing of her struggles and victories, avow to stop ‘should-ing’ on yourself, and experience the freedom that comes when we let God do the heavy lifting. You’ll be thankful you did!” 
—MICHELLE BENGTSON, Board Certified Clinical Neuropsychologist, host of Your Hope Filled Perspective podcast, and award-winning author of several books, including The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms

“If you are exhausted from culture’s recipes for self-reliance, pick up this book. It is filled with gospel-centered encouragement that, by Christ’s strength, you can be free of the lie that you must do more to earn favor or approval. As a recovering achiever with the fear of failure, Becky’s words were a balm to my heart. I know they will offer the same to you!” 
—REBECCA GEORGE, author of Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl and host of the Radical Radiance podcast

“There is something undeniably powerful about a woman who knows exactly who she is not, because she is confident in who and whose she is. In Becky’s beautifully counter-cultural book, women are invited to dismantle the lies they’ve believed and throw off the stress of striving by anchoring in their Christ-centered identities as beloved daughters of God. In a society where we are constantly pushed toward self-reliance, this is the message of liberation and authentic empowerment that we desperately need to hear.” 
—JENNY ERLINGSSON, speaker and author of Becoming His: Finding Your Place as a Daughter of God and Her Part to Play

“There are lots of feel-good affirmations out there that are meant to soothe and inspire us—sayings like ‘You be you’ and ‘Follow your heart.’ The problem is they’re not based on truth. In She Believed HE Could, So She Did, Becky Beresford takes a countercultural approach to these assertions that push women toward perfectionism and performance-based approval and holds those beliefs against a biblical construct. Ultimately, our worth is found in the person of Jesus Christ, who loved, honored, defended, and respected women. Beresford’s book will help readers understand their worth is based not on a crazy works-and-looks scale but instead in theirSavior. I highly recommend this book!” 
—JANET HOLM MCHENRY, award-winning speaker and bestselling author of 26 books, including PrayerWalk, The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus, and Praying Personalities

“Becky is a bold and courageous writer! I love how she trades in lies for what God actually says in She Believed HE Could, So She Did. Today’s culture needs truth and not compromise. Becky conquers the enemy in this timely read!” 
—COURTNAYE RICHARD, speaker, author, podcast host, founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye

  • Title: She Believed HE Could, So She Did: Trading Culture's Lies for Christ-Centered Empowerment
  • Author: Becky Beresford
  • Publisher: Moody Publishers
  • Print Publication Date: 2024
  • Logos Release Date: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9780802473400, 9780802429988, 080242998X, 0802473407
  • Resource ID: LLS:9780802473400
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-09-02T07:41:47Z
BECKY BERESFORD lives in North Carolina and is happily outnumbered by her husband and three wonderful boys. She is an author, speaker, and coach with a master's certificate in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship from Moody Theological Seminary. Becky loves encouraging God’s daughters to embrace Christ-centered empowerment through the truth found in the gospel. Connect with Becky at BeckyBeresford.com or follow her on Instagram or Facebook.


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