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Jesus Christ The Greatest Life

Digital Logos Edition

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Combining each of the Gospel accounts, Jesus Christ The Greatest Life: A Unique Blending of the Four Gospels is an exceptional Bible study resource. Written as a chronological study of Christ's life, all four Gospel accounts are brought together into a single narrative, perfect for Bible study through the specific events in the life of Christ. This work has sold over 200,000 copies and is widely used by Dr. Earl Radmacher.

The Greatest Life is an original translation of the Gospels, designed to present "a continuous story with strict adherence to the original grammar, while preserving the best English equivalent." It also incorporates numerous in-text notes, diagrams, and links that help the scholar relate passages from each Gospel together into a single, cohesive story.

Many churches and Bible study groups have incorporated Jesus Christ The Greatest Life into their Bible study routines and classes since its publication. A proven tool that aids Bible study by presenting the story of Christ in a clear format for the reader, this book fits easily within the framework of Logos Bible Software. First, in its print form (see page scans below) it was developed to include scripture links and diagrams throughout in order to emphasize its companionship with your Bible. Also, because of its narrative design, Jesus Christ The Greatest Life comes alongside your preferred Bible as a tool that will bring greater perspective of Christ's life and teachings to your studies.

Foreword from the Print Edition

Can you imagine four authors writing separate biographies of the same individual and those four biographies dovetailing perfectly without contradiction? That has happened only once in history.

The subject was Jesus Christ and the authors were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Arising from different eyewitness accounts of His life, each of their biographies has a distinct flavor and a unique story line. In spite of their uniqueness, however, it is possible to weave all four of them together completely and without contradiction - adding nothing, deleting nothing - using only the data provided by the authors.

Such a compilation had never been done in more than 1,900 years until Johnston (Jack) Cheney completed it at age seventy-six, after twenty-three years of work that began on what was supposedly his deathbed. This accomplishment would have been impossible for anyone, however, if the four Gospels did not have a Divine Author. As the apostle Peter points out, "No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation [or 'origin'], for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." (2 Peter 1:20-21, NKJV).

Thus, Jack Cheney was a further human instrument to do a phenomenal service in demonstrating the superintendence of God in writing the life of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“Scripture called The New Testament. These four books make up approximately 46% of that portion of God’s Word. The first three books, referred to as the Synoptic Gospels, tell what Christ did and the fourth tells more specifically who He is.” (Page 5)

“For all who have ever prayed, ‘Lord, make me like You,’ may this book be an answer to your prayer.” (Page 12)

“The use of our resources reveals our character. We are to use our material wealth to help advance the kingdom.” (Page 170)

“And blessed is the one who doesn’t take offense because of Me.’” (Page 82)

“need them. But first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and these other things will be given you besides.” (Page 77)

Praise for the Print Edition

Jesus Christ The Greatest Life is as good and great as any work I have ever endorsed. It is a very fine way for Christians to understand more clearly the life of Christ.

—Josh McDowell, author and speaker

Jesus Christ The Greatest Life resolves the supposed 'contradictions' in the gospel accounts like no other book on the market. Compiled and interwoven from many translations and verified by the original Greek through the idiomatic approach - the same basic [approach] adhered to by Luther, Tyndale, and Wesley - this significant volume is as trustworthy and accurate as can be.

—From the back cover of the print edition

Product Details

  • Title: Jesus Christ The Greatest Life: A Unique Blending of the Four Gospels
  • Authors: Stanley Ellisen and Johnston Cheney
  • Publisher: Paradise
  • Publication Date: 1999

About the Authors

Stanley A. Ellisen, Th.D. Professor of Biblical Literature at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, was enlisted by Earl Radmacher to work very closely with Johnston Cheney during the last three years of the preparation of The Life of Christ in Stereo.

Johnston Cheney after twenty-three years of full-time work, during which he practically memorized the Gospels in Greek, finished the compilation of The Life of Christ in Stereo in 1969.

Sample Screenshot from the Electronic Edition

As illustrated in the screenshot below, the Logos edition employs a small, colored triangle and matching, colored markers to indicate which gospel the text comes from. 1 = Matthew, 2 = Mark, 3 = Luke, 4 = John

Sample Page Scans from the Print Edition

Publishing Notes

Jesus Christ The Greatest Life combines two previously published works. The first is The Life of Christ in Stereo copyrighted in 1969 by Western Seminary, and the second is The Greatest Story copyrighted in 1994 by Western Seminary. This book incorporates both books with the addition of maps, graphics, timelines, and editorial comments. It also includes a numbering of the thirty-five major recorded miracles and pictorial representations in the form of nearly one hundred icons of the major recorded events and teachings in His life.


7 ratings

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  1. Robert J Smith
  2. Steve



    Kind of hard to use because it has a lot of pictures (boring) and text boxes in it where I'm/you're supposed to enter your responses to passages. It's an interactive work. Don't like that, breaks up the flow.
  3. Bob Meltebeke

    Bob Meltebeke


  4. Candice Everest
  5. Jonathan Dowell

    Jonathan Dowell


  6. Todd Hurley

    Todd Hurley


    This book is placed in most of the base packages and may be looked over because of it. However, this work is a most impressive, eye-opening study that will truly make you slow down and consider the life of Jesus Christ like never before. After I had read this, I found out where to buy the hard copies of the book (which was not an easy task)and I have started a Bible study in my churches using this book and the questions which are also for sale in book form. We have been working on this text for a year now and are only a little more than halfway through. Utilizing Logos to perform extra research has enriched our groups perception of the life that Christ lived and the times in which He lived. I would highly recommend this book to read and study for individuals and groups. It is staggering to know how much time was put into this work! It is truly a God-ordained work.
  7. Chuck Jaeger

    Chuck Jaeger


    For the same reasons as Bob's comments below, I really enjoy the Logos version of Johnston M. Cheney's work now entitled: Jesus Christ the Greatest Life. I was confused. The gospels seemed to be contradictory related to Peter’s denials of Christ. In different gospels he denied Christ to different people. I knew enough of scripture to believe that I could trust it to be accurate, but this sure seemed like a contradiction. I remember praying and telling the Lord, “I choose to believe that there is an answer to what looks like an inconsistency in scripture. I will believe that this is true, but I would love to know the answer to this.” It was several years before I learned the answer. It was found in the Life of Christ in Stereo by Johnston Cheney. I discovered that there were 6 denials by Peter. Three before the cock crowed and three more before the cock crowed the third time. This solves the apparent inconsistency because we do not have to press all his denials into just three. This showed me to be slow to judge the scriptures, but to trust them even though all my questions are not yet answered. I have had enough of my questions answered to show me that the scriptures are a solid foundation on which to live my life. The Life of Christ in Stereo by Johnston Cheney is an amazing book. Johnson Cheney was sick for a number of years. He started as a hobby to put the gospels together into a single volume. This turned into an obsession when he solved several coordination issues between the gospels. Ultimately he virtually memorized the gospels in Greek and was able to put together a seamless unity of the four gospels. This is thrilling. It puts the four gospels together into one volume. It proves that there are no contradictions in the gospels. In this book you can walk through Jesus’ life and see how all the pieces fit together. Copied from ~Bob the mentor


Digital list price: $26.99
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