The world is drowning in words. Some four million are books published every year, plus e-books, audiobooks, and magazines, not to mention television, movies, and videos; blogs, podcasts, and social media; and an estimated six to ten thousand ads forced on every American every day! But where--amidst this bewildering cacophony of words--shall wisdom be found? (Job 28:12). That long-ago question from Job is more relevant today than ever. And so is his long-ago answer: Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom (Job 28:28; cf. Prov 1:7; 9:10; Ps 111:10). That's biblical bedrock for building a life--a God-centered life. A life of significance and satisfaction, humility and hope, confidence and joy. The book of Proverbs gives you the tools, and the book you hold in your hands will help you use the tools. Solomon Day by Day won't change your life, but it will change the way you look at the proverbs. And the proverbs will change your life!
“Solomon Day by Day is the fruit of Richard Wells’ lifelong study, both in his extensive academic career and in his many years of pastoral ministry. These daily devotionals typify what the wisdom tradition portrays—creativity, mature insight, understanding, and a perspective on life that is divinely and spiritually shaped. I recommend this book to all readers, scholars and pastors, young and old, for such is the nature of Proverbs itself.”
—Kenneth Mathews, retired professor of divinity, Beeson Divinity School
“While Richard Wells was our pastor, I asked him several difficult questions about life, and he answered them with Solomon’s wisdom in the book of Proverbs. His explanations brought light and understanding. If you read this book, I am certain you will find answers to life’s most difficult questions. If this book causes you to read a chapter of Proverbs every day, you will gain wisdom from the author, the Holy Spirit.”
—Robert K. Fischer, vice president, Fischer Furniture