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Products>Works of Augustus Hopkins Strong (11 vols.)

Works of Augustus Hopkins Strong (11 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $102.39
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Augustus Hopkins Strong is one of the most notable Baptist theologians of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His theology combined traditional Reformed emphases with Baptist convictions, nonetheless open to modern thought. Renowned for his work in Systematic Theology, Strong has influenced generations of believers with his focused historical criticism of the Scriptures. Now, in this 11-volume collection, you have access to this American theologian and professor’s insights, observations, and wisdom.

Resource Experts
  • 11 volumes of insights, observations, and wisdom from Augustus Hopkins Strong
  • Exposition of Systematic Theology’s key points
  • Resources fully linked with your digital library
  • Title: Works of Augustus Hopkins Strong
  • Author: Augustus Hopkins Strong
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 3,746
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Augustus Hopkins Strong (1836–1921), a Reformed Baptist, was president and professor of biblical theology at the Rochester Theological Seminary. His classic three-volume Systematic Theology is still widely used and cited.


5 ratings

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  1. Christopher Engelsma
    I miss Strong's Autobiography in this collection.
  2. Theodore Edwards
  3. Larry Proffitt (I
  4. RevSarge



  5. Doug



  6. Faithlife User


Collection value: $102.39
Save $30.40 (29%)