Sorry to say, but:
In the Advanced Timeline covering its chronological entirety, SEARCHING “Catholic” with all filters selected except “Places” (with only Rome as the solitary option), yields an unbelievablely mere 60 events:
Biblical Studies: 32
Church History: 8
World History: 20
Arts & Culture: 1
Church History Theme: 4
Group of People: 39
Individual: 8
Worldview and Practice: 8
Places: 1 (Rome) deselected
Clear all Filters, FIND “Ecumenical” yields two (2) results, neither Catholic. It is commonly acknowledged in East and West Seven (7) prior to the 1054 Schism and The Catholic Church holds that there are 21 Ecumenical Councils, total.
My Verbum (Catholic edition of the Logos Information System) Library yields 5,171 results in 3,484 articles in 715 resources for “Ecumenical Councils”
The Advanced Timeline doesn’t list one Catholic Ecumenical Council, when there were 21.
FIND: Catholic: 60 Entries, that’s all, Folks
Church: 264 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Papacy: 141 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Pope: 126 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Cardinal: 79 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Archbishop: 43 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Episcopate: 20 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Priest: 113 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Order (Religious): ~ 32 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Council: 125 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Basilica: 10 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Cathedral: 12 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Synod: 25 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Bishop: 101 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Canonized: 10 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Saint: 28 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Martyr: 33 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Monks: 18 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Nuns: 9 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Heretic: 9 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Dogma: 3 Entries, none tagged as Catholic, N.B. the incomplete listing of Catholic infallible promulgations (why is one included but the others omitted?)
Canon (of Scripture): ~30 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Vulgate: 6 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Ordain: 27 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Liturgy: 4 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Rite: 11 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Breviary: 4 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Sacrament: 4 Entries, none tagged as Catholic; 2 references to Apostate King Henry the VIII, one time Papally proclaimed “Defender of the Faith” defense of The Seven Sacraments against Heresiarch Martin Luther - doubtless an accidental confirmation bias…
Baptism: 18 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Death: 553 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Holy Roman Empire: 30 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Holy See: 4 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Vatican: 5 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Schism: 7 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Excommunicate: 14 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Creed: 9 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Doctrine: 15 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Joan of Arc: 5 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Thomas Aquinas: 5 Entries, none tagged as Catholic
Thomas More: 9 Entries, none tagged as Catholic (sans reference to his unjust execution by Apostate King Henry the VIII, one time Papally proclaimed “Defender of the Faith” against Heresiarch Martin Luther - doubtless an accidental confirmation bias)
Note well that these omissions are of incorporated data and doesn’t include absent facts of Christian History.
This incomplete list of around 2,000 Advanced Timeline Entries, all absent “Catholic” Tagging in the metadata INCOMPLETELY represents a massive omission of historical and Religious Truth. In Justice correction is required.
Pax Christi in regno Christi