Digital Logos Edition
When the first two chapters of Genesis say that God created our world and the human race in a particular way, did the Bible really mean that? If not, can it really mean what it says about everything else, particularly the grand themes of redemption and eschatology? In this companion volume to one published about creation in the Old Testament, fifteen scholars carry the question into the New Testament. This work provides a detailed cultural, historical, and theological background to the topic and section-by-section exegetical studies of how the creation theme is illuminated by the various New Testament writers. So is creation and the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2 a major theme in the New Testament? This volume answers that question with a resounding “yes.”
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The use of the Old Testament in the New is one of the most important issues in biblical studies, and of course the creation account sets the stage for everything in the Old Testament. Scholars, students, and interested laypeople all stand to benefit from this learned volume. The perennial questions receive in-depth treatment here. The task of biblical theology is the attempt to understand and embrace the interpretive perspective of the biblical authors, and this volume sheds much light on what they thought about creation. Read and relish.
--James M. Hamilton Jr. Professor of Biblical Theology. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
This volume presents a thoughtfully articulated view of a historical creation in the New Testament. The collection of essays weaves together both theological and exegetical threads, resulting in a rich tapestry of scriptural interpretation and reflection on the influence of Genesis 1 and 2 in the teachings of Jesus and His early followers
--Holly J. Carey. Professor of Biblical Studies. Point University
In this volume, fifteen scholars explore the extensive use of the Genesis creation account in the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation. This book is an impressive and welcome addition to the study of the Old Testament in the New, and I enthusiastically recommend it to biblical novices and seasoned scholars alike.
--William Sanger Campbell. Professor Emeritus of New Testament. The College of St. Scholastica