Digital Logos Edition
Robert Jenson has been praised by Stanley Hauerwas, David Bentley Hart, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and others as one of the most creative and important contemporary theologians. But his work is daunting for many, both because of its conceptual demands and because of Jenson’s unusual prose style. This book is an attempt to give Jenson the kind of hearing that puts his creativity and significance on display, and allows newcomers to and old friends of his theology the opportunity to hear it afresh.
We have needed an introduction to Jenson’s theology. In this concise and clear volume, Chris Green opens a door onto the grand vision of God’s story that animates Jenson’s proclamations. Patient with Jenson’s pithiness, Green presents the accomodating and generous rendition of the gospel driving his theology—hearing Christ’s life as a word so alluring that it could only be music.
—Stephen John Wright, Lecturer in Christian Theology, Nazarene Theological College, Manchester, England
The late Robert Jenson was one of the most stimulating, provocative theologians of his generation. He was also one of the most misunderstood. That’s partly a result of the density of Jenson’s aphoristic style, his refusal to say what he did not mean. It’s mostly due to the radical metanoia—change of mind, repentance—his theology demands. If the gospel is true, then we have to think again about everything. Most of us don’t have the intellect or courage to make the attempt. Jenson did, and Chris Green's superb introduction to Jenson’s theology will solidify his reputation as a great theologian of the evangel.
—Peter Leithart, President, Theopolis Institute, Birmingham, Alabama