Digital Logos Edition
Why are modern Christians so indistinguishable from everyone else? How come Christians who lived in times of bloody persecution were so heroic, while we who live in safety are not? How could the first Christians fast valiantly, but we feel deprived without dessert? How did New Testament believers pray without ceasing? How could the early Christian martyrs actually forgive their torturers? What did the Christians of the first centuries know that we don’t? That’s what this book is about.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
A clear, compelling witness of Gospel truth...cuts through the niceties, the comfortable feel-good pap, the tempting cliches, to offer a hard, bold challenge: to live the Christian life as Christ meant it to be lived
—Lauren Winner
The Illumined Heart will be of great help to anyone striving to walk the timeless path of Christ in our time.
—Dallas Willard
Breathtakingly counter-cultural, and worth more to the honest seeker than shelves of what passes for practical spirituality these days.
—Rod Dreher