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Products>Cleanup: How Repentance Restores Relationships

Cleanup: How Repentance Restores Relationships

ISBN: 9781666790573


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Imagine a runner, deep into a marathon, who, instead of catching much-needed water bottles generously tossed by the crowd, throws into the crowd toxicity balloons that burst on impact. This scenario pictures the damaging offload that selfishness dumps into relationships. Scripture calls this selfishness "the flesh," and this book will show how repentance--a vital change of heart--drains the toxicity from relationships and fosters a joyous self-giving otherwise known as love. The exhaustion of defensiveness begins to lift. When love enters the bloodstream of relationships, our frantic striving for safety and control gives way to fresh air, the hope of knowing and being known.

“Have you asked yourself, ‘Is change possible? Am I stuck in patterns I will never shake?’ Steve Shores—a wise pastor, a brilliant counselor—invites us to step into freedom that’s possible in Jesus Christ. There’s a gift of repentance that breaks us from our closed little world and opens us to what real relationship with the Lord, ourselves, and others can be like. My heart was deeply moved by this book. Let change come!”

—Thad Rockwell Barnum, Anglican Bishop

“Once I can see the new life God has in store for me, what makes it so dang hard to get there? Sometimes I can’t even do the simplest, clearly right things. Sometimes my thoughts and fears have this power that defies logic. Cleanup gives us a paradigm to help us understand and then move through the internal obstacles that keep us from the life God intends.”

—Palmer Trice, Founding Director, the Barnabas Center

“Have you asked yourself, ‘Is change possible? Am I stuck in patterns I will never shake?’ Steve Shores—a wise pastor, a brilliant counselor—invites us to step into freedom that’s possible in Jesus Christ. There’s a gift of repentance that breaks us from our closed little world and opens us to what real relationship with the Lord, ourselves, and others can be like. My heart was deeply moved by this book. Let change come!”

—Thad Rockwell Barnum, Anglican Bishop

“Once I can see the new life God has in store for me, what makes it so dang hard to get there? Sometimes I can’t even do the simplest, clearly right things. Sometimes my thoughts and fears have this power that defies logic. Cleanup gives us a paradigm to help us understand and then move through the internal obstacles that keep us from the life God intends.”

—Palmer Trice, Founding Director, the Barnabas Center

Steve Shores is a licensed counselor, writer, happily married man, and gardener in Hickory, North Carolina. He is the author of False Guilt (1993) and Minding Our Emotions (2002).


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