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Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistle to the Romans, vol. 2

Digital Logos Edition

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The Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, also known as “Meyer’s Commentary,” is considered one of the nineteenth century’s best English-language New Testament commentaries.

Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer, a German Protestant with a gift for languages, was known to have an encyclopedic memory and an appetite for buying books. It was not uncommon for Meyer to be reading his contemporaries in his native German and, at the same time, poring over their work in English, Dutch, and French. A natural linguist, he was also well read in Greek, Latin, and even Gothic.

He published the first commentary in this collection in 1832, at the age of 32. He worked on this series, a lifelong project, for more than 40 years, adding to and extensively updating and revising his work while simultaneously tending to a busy pastorate and raising his own family. He completed 16 volumes before passing the baton to a few of his trusted peers.

Volume two of the Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistle to the Romans covers chapters 8–16.

With the Logos edition, you have instant access to a wealth of dictionaries, lexicons, and language reference tools. All Scripture passages link directly to the original-language Bible text and English translations, and double-clicking any Greek word automatically opens a lexicon to help you decipher the word’s meaning and context. This makes the Logos edition of the Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistle to the Romans, vol. 2 perfect for students, pastors, and scholars.

Want all 21 volumes of the Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament? Get them here!

Resource Experts
  • Covers chapters 8–16 of the Epistle to the Romans
  • Prefatory note by William P. Dickson
The scholarship of Christendom has produced no better commentary on the New Testament than Meyer’s.

The Homiletic Review

This volume on the Romans has in every way confirmed our estimate of Meyer’s trustworthiness as a guide in his own department of labor. Meyer evidently made it his aim to ascertain the literal historical sense of Holy Scripture, without bias either from personal thoughts and speculations, or from dogmatic and ecclesiastical prepossessions. The labor bestowed on the work must have been immense. Every sentence seems to have been subjected again and again to a thorough and painstaking revision, and nothing which could ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness has been neglected. A more important aid to Biblical criticism than the translation of Meyer could not be rendered.

The Baptist Magazine

  • Title: Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistle to the Romans, vol. 2
  • Author: Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer
  • Translators: John C. More, Edwin Johnson, William P. Dickson, and Frederick Crombie
  • Publisher: T & T Clark
  • Publication Date: 1874
  • Pages: 392

Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer was born in Gotha on January 10, 1800. He ministered at multiple churches throughout his life, and held pastorates in Othausen, Harste, Hoya, and Hannover. An avid early riser and walker, Meyer kept the same routine for more than 50 years: a 4 a.m. wake-up to study and write while smoking his pipe, followed by a three- to four-mile walk, then off to church to perform his duties as superintendant. After work Meyer was a dedicated family man, and his son, eventually a father too, described him not as a grandparent but as a “playmate” of his grandchildren.

Meyer finished 16 volumes of his New Testament commentary, although all 16 underwent numerous revisions and rewritings—he worked on them consistently from age 27 to 72. Battling illness the last year of his life, he still took his daily walks until the last bedridden month. He died on June 21, 1873. On the cross at his tomb are placed these words from Romans 14:8: “If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.”


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