Digital Logos Edition
Every day, scientists make thousands of new discoveries as they uncover the wonders of God's creation. At the same time, scientific theories about evolution and the origin of the universe challenge traditional Christian beliefs about God's creation. Did God really create human beings by evolution? Or are the Bible's stories of the Garden of Eden and the Great Flood true? Can we ever hope to answer these hard questions? What if these challenges aren't merely problems to be solved but an invitation to a lifetime of discipleship seeking God? Thus begins The Quest, a unique perspective on creation and evolution that encourages faith, commitment, and curiosity in the face of uncertainty. Science and biblical creation walk hand in hand as we explore God's creation. God calls us to experience the joy of questions and the beauty of His handiwork on The Quest.
The file for this resource is currently an EPUB. When it ships, it will be a Logos edition.
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“Baraminology is the field of creation research that tries to identify created kinds.” (Page 21)
“a fideist, which is a fancy philosophical word for a person who believes that knowledge comes only through faith” (Page 41)
“‘Be firm when the Bible is clear and be ambiguous where the Bible is ambiguous.’” (Page 60)
“These three witnesses—text, tradition, and theology—agree together that the first eleven chapters of Genesis describe the history of creation.” (Page 65)
“Finally and perhaps most importantly, theology also supports the historicity of Genesis 1–11.” (Page 64)