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On the Wall with Sword and Trowel: The Challenges and Conflicts of Ministry

ISBN: 9781532699528


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Future pastors and servant-leaders are taught the much-needed "tools of the trade"--the principles of hermeneutics, how to exegete a passage, put a sermon together, conduct a wedding, manage a funeral, oversee administrative meetings, and much more. On the Wall with Sword and Trowel is a reminder that no amount of professional training, educational instruction, and/or personal counsel could adequately ready an individual for the crucible of ministry--the confusion, pressures, heartbreak, disappointments, discouragements, and more. There is plenty more to learn about genuine faith, dealing with doubts and fears, the destructive nature of sin, the healing/transforming power of grace, the overwhelming demands of ministry, the necessity for authenticity, the sanctity of marriage and family, the joy of serving, and the weight of duty and responsibility--all issues every pastor/servant will face and must face.

“Every seminary should require this book. Sandy Zensen wants people to enter the ministry with their eyes open. He offers an honest heads-up on ministry challenges—from serious interpersonal conflicts to personal marriage pressures. Then he provides sound, practical advice to prepare for the difficulties and to thrive in ministry. Positive and encouraging. A gem of a resource.”

—William Brown, Senior Fellow for Worldview and Culture, The Colson Center for Christian Worldview

“Ministry is one of the greatest adventures that is given to an individual to bring glory to God. Dr. Sandy Zensen, with nearly twenty years as a pastor and twenty-five years as a professor, takes us on that great adventure in his book, On The Wall With Sword And Trowel. This book is an informative read in learning what Bible college and seminary can prepare you for and the training that God will give you as you work to bring glory to him.”

—Gary Jared, Senior Pastor, Stuart Heights Baptist Church, Hixson, Tennessee

“Pastoral ministry is both the hardest job and best job one could ever have. Many answer the call but few seem to endure or finish well. Many pastors begin bright-eyed and excited and are shocked to realize that it’s all-out warfare for hearts and minds—not the least of which is your own. Sandy Zensen’s book should be required reading for those just starting out in church ministry, and instructive for those with years of experience. I highly recommend this book for all of those being used by God to build his church—with trowel in one hand and sword in the other.”

—John Vermilya, Lead Pastor, The Tabernacle, Buckley, Michigan

“Every seminary should require this book. Sandy Zensen wants people to enter the ministry with their eyes open. He offers an honest heads-up on ministry challenges—from serious interpersonal conflicts to personal marriage pressures. Then he provides sound, practical advice to prepare for the difficulties and to thrive in ministry. Positive and encouraging. A gem of a resource.”

—William Brown, Senior Fellow for Worldview and Culture, The Colson Center for Christian Worldview

“Ministry is one of the greatest adventures that is given to an individual to bring glory to God. Dr. Sandy Zensen, with nearly twenty years as a pastor and twenty-five years as a professor, takes us on that great adventure in his book, On The Wall With Sword And Trowel. This book is an informative read in learning what Bible college and seminary can prepare you for and the training that God will give you as you work to bring glory to him.”

—Gary Jared, Senior Pastor, Stuart Heights Baptist Church, Hixson, Tennessee

“Pastoral ministry is both the hardest job and best job one could ever have. Many answer the call but few seem to endure or finish well. Many pastors begin bright-eyed and excited and are shocked to realize that it’s all-out warfare for hearts and minds—not the least of which is your own. Sandy Zensen’s book should be required reading for those just starting out in church ministry, and instructive for those with years of experience. I highly recommend this book for all of those being used by God to build his church—with trowel in one hand and sword in the other.”

—John Vermilya, Lead Pastor, The Tabernacle, Buckley, Michigan

Product Details

  • Title : On the Wall with Sword and Trowel: The Challenges and Conflicts of Ministry
  • Author: Zensen, Sanford
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • ISBN: 9781532699528

Sanford Zensen is an ordained Baptist and former Christian & Missionary Alliance minister with more than twenty years of experience in the pastoral ministry. In addition, he has served twenty-five years at Bryan College as a professor of Christian studies and Christian college administrator and continues to teach as an adjunct for two separate institutions.


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