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Products>Creation and Change: Genesis 1:1–2:4 in the Light of Changing Scientific Paradigms, Revised & Updated Edition

Creation and Change: Genesis 1:1–2:4 in the Light of Changing Scientific Paradigms, Revised & Updated Edition

, 2017
ISBN: 9781781919996

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In this book, Professor Douglas Kelly persuasively argues for a literal interpretation of the six–day account of creation found in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. He assesses both the biblical details and the scientific data to show that there is a convincing and scientifically viable case for this understanding. This new edition, written twenty years after the original, contains important revisions and additional chapters, bringing this insightful and relevant volume up–to–date with developments in this field.

Resource Experts
  • Argues for a literal interpretation of the six–day account of creation
  • Assesses both the biblical details and the scientific data
  • New edition contains important revisions and additional chapters

Top Highlights

“My response is this: while the time has not come when we can honestly claim incontrovertible proof of the youth of the solar system, I believe the time has come when we may properly raise foundational questions about the philosophical framework and methodologies said to establish its high antiquity beyond anyone’s propriety to doubt.” (Page 10)

“To summarize the interpretative point at issue, the threefold condition of the primeval world of ‘without form and void’, ‘darkness on the deep’, and ‘the Spirit of God moving’ occurred only after the absolute creation of all things from nothing. They describe the situation when God began shaping what he had made by speaking light into it. They do not refer to the situation when God originally created, for nothing at all was in existence that could be ‘formless’, ‘void’, ‘dark’ or ‘moved upon’. So, instead of pointing backwards, verse two points forwards, and leads us into a new narrative section of the ancient text. We now begin consideration of what this section tells us concerning the work of the first day, immediately after the absolute creation of all reality.” (Page 103)

“Schaeffer felt we are greatly mistaken to avoid the important subject of how we got here, why we are like we are, who is in charge, by whose rules we should play, and by whose rules we will be judged. Schaeffer thought that when one avoids those questions, which are deeply implanted in every human heart, and jumps immediately to salvation, one loses the major impact on those who are seeking the truth.” (Page 24)

It is an excellent work. I believe it will be an important contribution to the field.

—John Currid, Chancellor’s Professor of Old Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

Kelly ably engages with several scientific debating points ... He makes the complex clear and sophisticated simple. Yet Kelly’s most admirable quality is in handling the text of Scripture, presenting a reasonable and winsome case for creation in six, ordinary, consecutive days, culminating in the worship of God on the Sabbath Day. Highly recommended for keen lay readers, theological students, pastors and professors.

—Jonathan Gibson, Associate Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This book is very accessible for the lay reader as well as being a very thoroughly argued and persuasive text for the student beginning theological studies in Genesis and wanting to know what the key Biblical arguments are for a young earth creation position. I cannot recommend this book more highly.

—Andy McIntosh, Visiting research Professor at the University of Leeds and Adjunct Professor at Mississippi State University

  • Title: Creation and Change: Genesis 1:1–2:4 in the Light of Changing Scientific Paradigms
  • Author: Douglas F. Kelly
  • Edition: Revised & Updated Edition
  • Publisher: Mentor
  • Print Publication Date: 2017
  • Logos Release Date: 2021
  • Pages: 374
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Bible. O.T. Genesis › Criticism, interpretation, etc; Creation › Biblical teaching
  • ISBNs: 9781781919996, 9781527100350, 9781527100367, 1781919992, 1527100359, 1527100367
  • Resource ID: LLS:CRTN1124SPRDGMS
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-01-10T17:26:04Z

Dr. Kelly received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Diploma from the University of Lyon, his B.D. from the Union Theological Seminary, and his Ph. D. from the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of many written works including, If God Already Knows, Why Pray?, Preachers with Power: Four Stalwarts of the South, New Life in the Wasteland, Creation and Change, and The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World. His firm grasp of multiple languages and his theological competence are capably demonstrated in translating such works as Sermons by John Calvin on II Samuel. He is serving with David Wright of the University of Edinburgh as a general editor for a revision of Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. Before joining the faculty at RTS, Dr. Kelly travelled extensively throughout the world preaching and teaching. He was also enlisted to serve on the Jurisprudence project of The Christian Legal Society and serves on the Credentials Committee of the Central Carolina Presbytery.


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  1. Aaron Sauer

    Aaron Sauer

