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Isaiah: A Video Study

ISBN: 9780310093527



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Isaiah wrestles with the realities of people who are not convicted by the truth and a God whose actions sometimes seem unintelligible or appears absent. Yet Isaiah penetrates these experiences to see a greater reality. Isaiah portrays God’s rule over history and his capacity to take the worst of human actions and use them for good. He declares the truth that even in the darkest hours, the Holy One of Israel is infinitely trustworthy.

Isaiah: A Video Study features Old Testament scholar John Oswalt teaching through the book of Isaiah in short, engaging, and challenging lessons. Based on Oswalt’s Isaiah commentary in the NIV Application Commentary series, these lessons bring the meaning of Isaiah into the twenty-first century. As Oswalt works through the book passage-by-passage, he comments on the text itself and then explores issues in Israel’s culture and in ours that help us understand the meaning of each passage.

Get the full experience when you partner this excellent video course with Isaiah (NIV Application Commentary)

  • Brings the meaning of Isaiah into the twenty-first century
  • Explores issues in Israel’s culture and in ours that help us understand the meaning of each passag
  • Enables viewers to accurately understand and apply the text of Isaiah

Dr. John Oswalt returned to the Asbury Theological Seminary faculty in 2009 as visiting distinguished professor of Old Testament. He served as research professor of Old Testament at Wesley Biblical Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss., since 1999. Prior to that, he was professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Asbury Seminary from 1989 to 1999. This was his second term on Asbury Seminary’s faculty, having first served from 1970 to 1982. In the interim, he was president of Asbury College from 1983 to 1986 and a member of the faculty of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill., from 1986 to 1989. Oswalt received a B.A. from Taylor University; a B.D. and Th.M. from Asbury Seminary; and a M.A. and Ph.D. from Brandeis University. His writings have appeared in Bible encyclopedias, scholarly journals and popular religious periodicals. Many of his these articles have dealt with the application of Biblical teachings to modern ethical questions. He has written eight books. His most recent book is a study of I John, entitled On Being a Christian (Francis Asbury Press, 2008). He was the Old Testament editor of the Wesley Bible, a study Bible from the Wesleyan perspective published by Thomas Nelson Publishers in 1990. He also served as consulting editor for the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (Zondervan, 1997). He was a member of the New International Version translation team, and is currently one of a six-member editorial team that has revised the Living Bible (New Living Translation, 1996), and is continuing the revision process with Tyndale House Publishers. Oswalt is an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church, with membership in the Kentucky Annual Conference. He has served as a part-time pastor to congregations in New England and Kentucky, and is a frequent speaker in conferences, camps and local churches. He is married to the former Karen Kennedy, and they have three children and two grandchildren.


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  1. G. Jorge Medina

    G. Jorge Medina


    How long is this video course?????
  2. Deepak Kumar Singh
    This excellent video study on Isaiah features Old Testament scholar John Oswalt teaching through the book of Isaiah in short, engaging, and challenging lessons. I found John Oswalt's teaching on the book very engrossing. I loved the tone, clarity, authority and the vast knowledge he brings in his lectures. Highly recommended!


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