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Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics

, 1995
ISBN: 9780802805256

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This book truly breaks new ground. By incorporating the rich fruits of recent biblical scholarship into dogmatics, Reformational Theology serves to bring the fields of systematic theology and biblical studies—often, sadly, at odds with each other—closer together.

Following the biblical story line of creation-fall-redemption- consummation, Gordon Spykman’s “new paradigm” systematic represents a notable revision of the traditional loci method.

Taking John Calvin’s theology as a crucial point of historical orientation and standing on the shoulders of many other theological giants of the past, Spykman’s monumental reformulation of Reformed dogmatics provides a real and respectable alternative to both the older dualist and the newer monist traditions. Also of significance is that this new approach to dogmatics contextualizes theology by cross- referencing it with biblical worldview studies and Christian philosophy.

The culmination of Spykman’s thirty-five-year preaching and teaching career, Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics will find a welcome place in many seminary and college courses on systematic theology and Christian doctrine. Ministers, bible teachers, and theologically interested general readers will also profit from this remarkable work.

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Resource Experts
  • Provides an updated Reformed theology following the biblical storyline
  • Connects theology, biblical studies, and Christian life
  • Establishes a relationship between Christian philosophy and theology

Part One: Foundations

  • Chapter I: Rationale and Prospectus
  • Chapter II: Prolegomena — An Historical Survey: Philosophy and Theology as Partners?
  • Chapter III: Contemporary Dilemmas
  • Chapter IV: Clarification of Basic Categories
  • Chapter V: Prolegomena: New Directions in Dogmatics

Part Two: The Good Creation

  • Transitional Comments
  • Chapter I: Cosmology
  • Chapter II: Anthropology
  • Chapter III: History

Part Three: Sin and Evil

  • Introduction: The Good Creation... Fallen
  • Chapter I: Exposing the Roots
  • Chapter II: Bearing Bitter Fruit
  • Chapter III: Knowing Our Sin — On the Road to Recovery

Part Four: The Way of Salvation

  • Transitional Comments
  • Chapter I: “One Way”
  • Chapter II: God’s Way with Israel
  • Chapter III: God’s Way in Christ

Part Five: The Consummation

  • Transitional Comments
  • Chapter I. The Home Stretch
  • Chapter II. The Millennium
  • Chapter III. Eschatological Countdown
This rigorous neo-Kuyperian rethink of how theology should be done is a milestone in Reformed exposition. It is the most stimulating systematic that I have read for a long time.

—James I. Packer, Regent College

A significant achievement.... Drawing heavily from the work of John Calvin, Herman Bavinck, G. C. Berkouwer, Herman Ridderbos, and Anthony Hoekema in particular, and dialoguing extensively with Karl Barth, Otto Weber, Helmut Thielicke, Arnold Van Ruler, and Hendrikus Berkhof, among others, Spykman provides a helpful overview of major discussions within twentieth-century continental Reformed theology. The narrative-trinitarian structure of the work (creation, fall, redemption, consummation) is an interesting challenge to the traditional loci structure of Reformed theology as well as to contemporary theology's typical rejection of the creation-fall sequence.

—John Bolt, Calvin Theological Seminary

This is the first attempt—and an impressive one—to write a systematic theology from a Reformational perspective.... Spykman seeks to overcome long-standing dualisms that have plagued theology for centuries with a third way which gives more attention to the historical redemption pattern of Scripture. One need not agree with all of the presuppositions of this approach in order to appreciate the fresh and rich results of this solid study.

—I. John Hesselink, Western Theological Seminary

  • Title: Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics
  • Author: Gordon J. Spykman
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Print Publication Date: 1995
  • Logos Release Date: 2021
  • Pages: 584
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Reader Edition
  • Subjects: Theology, doctrinal; Reformed Church › Doctrines
  • ISBNs: 9780802805256, 0802805256
  • Resource Type: Systematic Theology
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-12-06T20:54:39Z

Gordon J. Spykman (1926–1993) was born in Holland, Michigan, March 25, 1926. He received his A.B. from Calvin College in 1949, a Th.B. from Calvin Seminary in 1952, and his Th. D. from the Free Reformed University of Amsterdam in 1955. His dissertation was published as “Attrition and Contrition at the Council of Trent” and was supervised by Dr. G. C. Berkouwer. He was pastor of the Blenheim, Ontario Christian Reformed Church from 1955-1959. He served as Professor of Religion and Theology at Calvin College from 1959 until his retirement in 1991.

Dr. Spykman served fifteen committees of the Christian Reformed Church and fifteen committees of Calvin College. He was a prolific writer who wrote three chapters in books of theological significance; eleven books and booklets; many speeches, addresses and reflections; papers on a wide range of social, religious, doctrinal and controversial issues; and many sermons. His final published volume appeared in 1991: Reformational Theology, A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


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