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Life Beyond the Sun: An Introduction to Worldview & Philosophy through the Lens of Ecclesiastes

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Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, offers one of the most insightful earth-centered perspectives on the world and life in it. He examines succinctly the futility, the emptiness, and the hopelessness of life under the sun, life apart from God. At the same time, he suggests the wonder and value of even the simplest act when performed in the context of God’s glory. In Life Beyond the Sun, Dr. Cone introduces an overview of Solomon’s worldview and discusses how it seems to anticipate the worldviews of philosophers who came after him. As he discusses the various aspects of Solomon’s Biblical worldview, Dr. Cone supplies a generous amount of parallels from philosophers through the ages for comparison. He notes how Solomon’s criticisms of the endeavors of godless men seem to apply so well to some of the world’s greatest minds.

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Top Highlights

“there is a Designer who gives meaning. Apart from Him, there can be found none.” (Page 23)

“The goal here is very simply to examine the Biblical worldview as broadly stated by Solomon.” (Page 11)

“Thus for Hume, key moral values are societal inventions.” (Page 28)

“Under the Sun—tachath hashemesh—below or at the bottom of the brilliance of the sun. This is a crucial phrase as it provides the scope of Solomon’s indictment: everything under the sun will be shown to be vanity. Thus if there is any profit or advantage for man, he must go beyond the sun. He must not operate from a naturalistic perspective.” (Pages 21–22)

“Beginning with the nonexistence of God and working toward His existence is, according to the Psalmist and his son, foolishness. Not exactly a desired moniker for epistemological pursuit.” (Page 27)

  • Title: Life Beyond the Sun: An Introduction to Worldview & Philosophy through the Lens of Ecclesiastes
  • Author: Christopher Cone
  • Publisher: Tyndale Theological Seminary
  • Print Publication Date: 2009
  • Logos Release Date: 2011
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9780981479149, 0981479146
  • Resource ID: LLS:BYNDSUN
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-29T22:24:12Z

Christopher Cone serves as president of Tyndale Theological Seminary, and teaches there as a professor of Bible and theology. He also serves as a pastor for Tyndale Bible Church. Cone has authored several books including The Promises of God: A Synthetic Bible Survey, Prolegomena: Introductory Notes on Bible Study and Theological Method, and Life beyond the Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy and Worldview through the Lens of Ecclesiastes. He is the general editor of Dispensationalism Tomorrow and Beyond: A Theological Collection in Honor of Charles C. Ryrie and Practical Aspects of Pastoral Theology.


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