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Logos 5’s Secret Sauce (and How It Will Transform Your Study)

You’ve heard the term before: datasets. We sometimes mention them in emails and blog posts, and you can probably figure out most of what they are from the term alone. (Yes, they’re interconnected sets of biblical data.) But why should you care?

Because datasets are Logos 5’s secret sauce.

You won’t find them anywhere except in Logos 5. They’re not on any other website, in any other store, or even in the largest theological library out there. They were created exclusively for Logos 5 to help you study faster and better.

So, what makes these datasets so transformational? Here’s what they offer:

1. Access to game-changing scholarly research

Each of Logos 5’s 10 new datasets represents an intense research project by in-house scholars. Our research team spent years analyzing words, meanings, and biblical events—and connecting those ideas based on real human intelligence, not algorithms.

These datasets pull together massive amounts of information on world history, preaching themes, grammatical relationships, word senses, and more. They equip you to know who’s being referred to by each pronoun, verb, and noun, to see the meaning behind words, and to understand biblical events better by putting them in historical context. With this sort of data, you can complete tasks that would typically take hours—if not days—with a click.

2. Answers that take the guesswork out of Bible study

All this research and information may sound overwhelming, but—fortunately for you—getting the exact information you need is simple. That’s because you don’t need to go digging for answers: our tools and features do it for you. In fact, Logos’ tools are powered by the datasets themselves.

Zechariah 2
Click image to enlarge.

Here’s an example: you want information on Zechariah—not Zechariah the trumpet player, not Zechariah the father of Able, but Zechariah the father of John the Baptist. Lucky for you, we’ve already disambiguated all 30 Zechariahs in the Bible. Just open the Bible Facts tool and search his name: the tool sweeps through the Biblical People, Places, and Things dataset to present you with a full list of relevant verses, family trees, beautiful artwork, and dictionary links.

That’s a whole lot of work and power, and all you had to do was click “search.”

This is why datasets are so transformational—they connect related information across your entire library and present you with answers, along with the facts you need to reach new insights.

Save hours of research time: upgrade to Logos 5 and take advantage of the game-changing power of datasets.

For a limited time, you can get your best deal on a Logos 5 upgrade—see your custom upgrade discount and save today!

Written by
Sherri Huleatt

Sherri Huleatt is a copywriter, marketer, and storyteller. When she doesn't have her head buried in a book, you can find her camping, cooking, or laughing at a pun.

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Written by Sherri Huleatt