Logos 10 Fundamentals
Your First Step in Next-Level Bible Study
Fundamentals is an affordable way to start experiencing deeper Bible study. It includes beginner tools and 40+ digital resources—a perfectly curated biblical library jumpstart.
Value if sold separately: $1,078.24
Yours for just: $49.99
Priceless Insights Priced Less
If you aren’t ready to take the plunge into the full Logos experience, Fundamentals is a great place to start.
Includes over 40 Bible Study Resources
Bible Study Confidence Boost
Uncover meaningful insights in Scripture with a theological library and core set of Bible study tools. This fusion unlocks the wisdom in your library so you can go beyond the surface of the text.
Phone, Wallet, Keys, Logos
Defy the boundaries of your books with the powerful Logos Bible Study app that keeps up with the pace of your life. It’s always synced across your devices so you can pick up wherever you left off, anywhere, anytime.
See Your Bible Study in Action—Really
Visualize every instance of a word or concept in Scripture, interact with user-friendly graphs to study the original Greek and Hebrew, or use your phone to capture a Bible reference and open it in the Logos app.
Study Scripture for Yourself, Not on Your Own
Get step-by-step guidance through a passage, start a BIble study that instantly pulls the books you need, and quickly discover the details on theological topics and biblical themes from inside your books.
Get Logos 10 Fundamentals
Including 40+ digital resources, it’s the perfectly curated biblical library jumpstart.
Value if sold separately: $1,078.24
Your Price: $49.99
*Already have a Logos package? Fundamentals is intended for first-time purchasers and does not qualify for Dynamic Pricing.
40+ Digital Resources Included in Logos Fundamentals
Resource Type
Value if sold separately $1,078.24
English Bibles (6)
King James Version
English Standard Version
Christian Standard Bible
Lexham English Bible
American Standard Version
The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version
Audio Bibles (2)
Lexham English Bible Audio
English Standard Version Audio
Study Bibles (2)
Faithlife Study Bible (with Media and Infographics)
CSB Study Bible: Notes
Bible Commentaries (3)
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Word Studies in the New Testament
The New Bible Commentary
Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (4)
The Lexham Bible Dictionary (with videos)
A Concise Dictionary of Bible Origins and Interpretation
Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words: 200 Greek and 200 Hebrew Words Defined and Explained
Dictionary of Bible Themes
Devotionals and Spiritual Growth (3)
Morning and Evening
Moment with God: A Devotional on Every Biblical Book
40 Days to the Cross: Reflections from Great Thinkers
General Bible Studies (4)
DIY Bible Study
I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible
The New Manners and Customs of the Bible
Leading Bible Discussions: Completely Revised & Expanded
Hermeneutics (1)
Basic Bible Interpretation: A Practical Guide to Discovering Biblical Truth
Apologetics (1)
Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians
Interlinears (10)
The English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament English Standard Version
The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament English Standard Version
The English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Christian Standard Bible: Old Testament
The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear Christian Standard Bible: New Testament
The English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament King James Version
The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament King James Version
The English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament Lexham English Bible
The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament Lexham English Bible
The English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament Authorized English Version (1873)
The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament Authorized English Version (1873)
Atlas, maps, and media (5)
Logos Bible Images
Logos Bible Maps, Volume 1
Logos Bible Photos
Logos Bible Software Infographics
Images from A Dictionary of the Bible
Harmonies and Parallel Passages (6)
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
A Harmony of the Gospels
Synopsis of the Old Testament
A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels for Historical and Critical Study
Old Testament Quotations and Allusions in the New Testament
Old Testament Quotes in the New Testament
Lectionaries (2)
Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings
Revised Common Lectionary
History resources (3)
Historic Creeds and Confessions
The Apostolic Fathers in English
Pocket History of Theology: Twenty Centuries in Five Concise Acts
Courses (1)
QuickStart for Logos 10
Datasets (18)
Biblical Events Dataset
Biblical People Dataset
Biblical People Diagrams
Biblical Places Dataset
Biblical Places Maps
Biblical Referents Dataset
Biblical Things Dataset
English Factbook Entries
Logos Controlled Vocabulary Dataset
Miracles of the Bible
Parables of the Bible Dataset
Speaking to God Dataset
Thematic Outlines Dataset
Community Tags Dataset
Resource Excerpts Dataset
Lists of People, Places, Things, and Events in Church History
Questions and Answers Dataset
All the Songs in the Bible~en
Features (34)
Compare Parallel Bible Versions
Ask Faithlife
Bible Word Study Panel Linking
Corresponding words visual filter
Courses Tool
Custom "Go" Layouts
Factbook Version 2
Factbook Visual Filter
Fuzzy Bible Search
Lexicon Panel Linking
Logos 9 Mobile Features
Media tool
Mobile Homepage
Mobile Layouts
Mobile Notes
Multi View Resources
Notes Update
Passage List Visual Filter
Personal Letters Section
Precalculated Reading Plans
QuickStart Layouts
Resource Inputs backed by Notes
Search Templates
Sympathetic Notes Visual Filter
Sympathetic Search Results Visual Filter
Text Comparison Version 2
Workflows feature
Charts Tool~en
Docs faceted browsing sidebar~en
Faceted Library Browsing~en
Insert Media in Notes~en
Reference Scanner Passage List Creation~en
Vertical App Toolbar
Favorites Sidebar in Panels
Workflows (4)
Basic Bible Study Workflow
Devotional Workflow
Biblical Topic Study Workflow
Inductive Bible Study Workflow
Interactive Media (8)
Biblical Event Navigator
Interactive Infographics from the Faithlife Study Bible
Miracles of the Bible
Names of God
Speaking to God
Weights & Measures Converter
Who Killed Goliath?
An Empty Tomb
Get Logos 10 Fundamentals
Fundamentals is the perfect next step to experiencing deep Bible study. Including 40+ digital resources, it’s the perfectly curated biblical library jumpstart.
Value if sold separately: $1,078.24
Your Price: $49.99
*Already have a Logos package? Fundamentals is intended for first-time purchasers and does not qualify for Dynamic Pricing.