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Products>Liturgical Semiotics from Below: Breathing Up the Holy Eucharist

Liturgical Semiotics from Below: Breathing Up the Holy Eucharist


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How do we find meaning in worship? How might we worship more meaningfully? These questions invite us into a field of study called liturgical semiotics. This book takes a deep dive into this arena, using the metaphor of breathing as a vehicle for the journey. It is about getting back to what is at the core of the Christian identity, namely worship, and exploring how to find and make meaning in it. In doing so, we will find out not only more about our worship, but about ourselves. Liturgical semiotics is not only about the liturgical event, but about the semiotician as well. Along the way, using BREATHE, GASP, and RASP as guides, we will read the signs of our worship, connect the dots of the stories it tells, and uncover new meanings. We will also find ways to make our worship more evocative and more resonant with the current culture. Take a deep breath, and dive in.

“How important is worship? Ask Satan. He’ll give up everything to be worshiped (Matt 4:8–10). How important is semiotics to worship? Ask Kevin Olds in his pioneering and provocative study of liturgical semiotics. Olds shows us how to move from our way of worship, which is too often hurriedly on our way to lunch, to God’s way of worship, which is at the table together with good table manners, sacred table settings, correct table seatings, and engaging table talk.”

—Leonard Sweet, founder, preachthestory.com

“The meaning of Christian worship is rooted not in the mere enacting of our rituals but in what they signify to us, what they mean, or could mean, for those who are willing to pay attention. That is the insight offered in this delightful volume in liturgical semiotics, written by Kevin Olds, a priest-semiotician-prophet who can help us fill our communal lungs more fully with the graces of God.”

—Tony Blair, president, Evangelical Seminary

“In response to a world in search of meaning, Kevin Olds offers the church practical tools to, quite literally, breathe new life into our most central practices. Written with a deep love of the church and an abiding hope for what it can be, this book is a gift to anyone seeking inspiration in their liturgical leadership.”

—Jeffrey W. Mello, bishop, Diocesan of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut

Kevin O. Olds is an Episcopal priest serving in the Diocese of Connecticut in various capacities. He is also an affiliate professor with Kairos University (Sioux Falls) and an adjunct professor at Sacred Heart University. He holds degrees from Evangelical Theological Seminary, The General Theological Seminary, and Drew Theological School. He is passionate about semiotics and English football.


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