Digital Logos Edition
This course is an introductory study of our Lord’s life and times according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It examines the background of the world into which Christ came “when the time had fully come.” It focuses on His life from the Annunciation to the Ascension. It also stresses His message and His method, including His parables and His miracles. Organized around three themes—the world, the Man, and the message—this study helps students integrate their understanding of Christ’s life and work with a clear commitment to live by the principles He taught and the values He demonstrated.
This course may be taken for credit by enrolling with the Berean School of the Bible. For enrollment information, please call 1-800-443-1083.
“We may define the priority of Mark, then, as ‘priority in the sense that it was the first account written of the life of Christ, but it was not necessarily the most important or the most complete.’” (Page 16)
“Two important things occurred during the period in which Persia ruled Palestine. First, at the beginning of this period, the Persian king decreed that the Jews of the Southern Kingdom were free to leave Babylon and return to Jerusalem. Second, the last of the Old Testament prophets spoke during this period.” (Page 42)
“Matthew and Luke wrote their accounts. This document has been called Q from the German word quelle, which means ‘a source.’ This source, Q, represents the material that is common to Matthew and Luke but not found in Mark.” (Page 16)
“It is possible that Jesus gave Levi the name of Matthew, which means ‘gift of God,’” (Page 27)
“While men were the means God used to record His Word, the Holy Spirit so influenced these human authors that they wrote just what God wanted to reveal.” (Page 17)