Come Quickly Dawn offers a unique reading experience. This fully integrated hybrid is both a fast-paced novel and an incisive training tool. It equips one to evangelize in a way that spreads like measles, to make disciples who actively obey Jesus, and to multiply churches or cells. The best way by far to prepare an effective shepherd or church multiplier is to do it as Jesus and Paul did it: take apprentices with them to where the action is happening. Its simulated trip conveys one out of a familiar comfort zone to a setting similar to that of many peoples among whom God is working powerfully, as in the book of Acts.
People love stories. Jesus knew this and so he told stories. Patterson has captured a wonderful way to teach people about church planting. When people learn through stories, it becomes so much easier and more enjoyable and therefore more effective. The principles in it are spot on and the activities at the end of each chapter encourage obedience. This book is a great church planter’s manual. Pamela Arlund, PhD, director, All Nations
George Patterson is father and mentor to us all. Long a pioneer in church planting and multiplication, both directly and indirectly through thousands of disciples around the world, Brother George is once again pushing the envelope, showing us how the Kingdom is advancing leaving countless transformed lives and discipleship communities in its wake. This time Dr. Patterson has pioneered a new genre in communication: the “training novel.” Who knew this maven of church planting could also write riveting prose? Missionaries, pastors, church planters, and every kind of adventurous Christian will be gripped and blessed by George Patterson’s Come Quickly Dawn! It is a powerful blend of narrative and wisdom that unpacks the secrets of how God is at work redeeming even the most calloused souls for Christ. David Garrison, PhD, missionary author, Church Planting Movements
George Patterson has mentored leaders in many countries who have made breakthroughs leading to widespread church planting movements. Much of the wisdom gleaned through his vast experience has been incorporated in Train and Multiply, a “menu-driven” program now used in many languages to train shepherds in church planting movements. Galen Currah, DMiss, former adjunct instructor, Western Seminary
George Patterson’s instructive fiction is so true-to-life that when I underlined phrases, it bled. John Mulholland, PhD, former professor of missions, Columbia Biblical Seminary