Christianity and Marxism are often thought to be irreconcilable. This book argues that this is not the case. It looks at four central focuses of the alleged conflict—atheism, materialism, revolution, and ethics—and shows that in each case tensions can be dissolved. Not only that, but working through the alleged difficulties sheds new light on both Christianity and Marxism and demonstrates that each has something to say to the contemporary world.
The writing is clear and admirably concise. In barely 100 pages, the author revisits Marx’s views on religion, takes several of his key insights, and shows how Christians could find them helpful. Marx’s criticism of religion, for example, which is more about exposing idolatry than attacking ideas, can be a bridging point with Christianity. Similarly, his assertion that ideas are always related to the economic context in which they arose can prompt a fresh look at the power of institutions (including the Church).
Simon Hewitt teaches and researches in theology and philosophy, and is a research fellow at the University of Leeds. He is active in left-wing politics and a committed Catholic and lay member of the Dominican Order.