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Discourse Analysis of the New Testament Writings

ISBN: 9781948048422

Digital Logos Edition

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For the first time, one volume includes a discourse analysis of every writing in the New Testament. Discourse analysis of written texts involves examining units of language higher than the sentence and considering how the author used those units of language to accomplish communicative purposes. But discourse analysis is not a clearly defined method. Rather, it is a linguistic perspective that provides numerous ways to approach and better comprehend a discourse. For this reason, most analysts bring their own unique research questions about a discourse and, therefore, their own methodology.

Each author in this volume explains their methodology, presents a macrostructure of the discourse, and then analyzes microstructures and other aspects of the discourse that support the proposed macrostructure. The reader is able to see each methodology on display, each with their emphases, strengths, and potential weaknesses. Each chapter also provides the reader with a useful analysis of the discourse as a holistic unit, which will aid students, pastors, and scholars in studying entire New Testament writings to see how each part contributes to the whole.

  • Presents a macrostructure of the discourse, and then analyzes microstructures and other aspects of the discourse that support the proposed macrostructure
  • Includes a discourse analysis of every writing in the New Testament
  • Provides the reader with a useful analysis of the discourse as a holistic unit
  • Introduction: Discourse Analysis: History, Topics, and Applications, Todd A. Scacewater
  • Matthew, David J. Clark and Todd A. Scacewater
  • Mark, Robert Longacre
  • Luke, Todd R. Chipman
  • John, Michael Rudolph
  • Acts, Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
  • Romans, Aaron Sherwood
  • 1 Corinthians, R. Bruce Terry
  • 2 Corinthians, Fredrick J. Long
  • Galatians, Stephen Levinsohn
  • Ephesians, Todd A. Scacewater
  • Philippians, Thomas W. Hudgins & J. Gregory Lawson
  • Colossians, Todd A. Scacewater
  • 1 Thessalonians, Daniel Patte
  • 2 Thessalonians, Michael Aubrey
  • Pastoral Epistles, Isaiah Allen
  • Philemon, David L. Allen
  • Hebrews, Cynthia Long Westfall
  • James, William Varner
  • 1 Peter, Ervin Starwalt
  • 2 Peter, Christopher J. Fresch
  • Johannine Epistles, Ernst Wendland
  • Jude, David J. Clark
  • Revelation, Stephen Pattemore
  • Select Bibliography for Discourse Studies
In the past few decades discourse analysis has been making inroads, albeit slowly, into the practice of New Testament studies, but the approaches have been anything but uniform, easily accessible, or widely applied to the process of exegesis. Yet, with this volume we have varied applications across the New Testament, with voices as diverse as Robert Longacre, Daniel Patte, and Stephen Levinsohn. The collection capitalizes on more recent developments in discourse analysis, while putting on display the power and potential of the approach. Through the years younger New Testament scholars have contacted me to ask concerning discourse analysis, “Where do I begin?” I now have a ready answer.

—George H. Guthrie, Professor of New Testament, Regent College, Vancouver, BC

The analysis of discourse is one of the most developed branches of New Testament Greek studies at present. But it is also clear that the analysis of discourse has many kinds of methodologies. This much-needed book examines in some detail the application of discourse analysis to the books of the New Testament. Readers of this volume will immediately be struck by the diversity of approaches employed by the various contributors. Nevertheless, I believe this book succeeds in making discourse analysis immediately relevant to the modern exegete. I therefore commend it to all who believe in the integration of traditional grammar and modern linguistics.

—David Alan Black, O. Owens Jr. Chair of New Testament Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Finally, we have as close to a head-to-head comparison of approaches to discourse analysis as could be conceived, and more importantly, to the exegetical utility of the results achieved. Scacewater’s volume brings together leading advocates of varied approaches, along with some employing eclectic blends, to provide readers with analyses of every New Testament book. Some succeed more than others, but that is the point of such a volume—to allow you to critically evaluate these approaches in practice rather than in a theoretical vacuum.

—Steven E. Runge, Research Associate, John W. Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies, Trinity Western University; Scholar-in-Residence, Faithlife Corporation, Bellingham, WA

Todd A. Scacewater is Assistant Professor of International Studies at Dallas International University.


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  1. Greg Wood

    Greg Wood


    Excellent resource!
  2. Samuel B. Ball
    Any way to get a sneak peak of the context?
  3. Mal Walker

    Mal Walker


    Keen to see this resource in Logos.
  4. Elliott Faure

    Elliott Faure


    We're still in "Gathering interest". Anytime soon?


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