Digital Logos Edition
After twenty years of research, Dr. J. Barton Payne has compiled the one complete guide to Biblical prophecy. From the prediction of Adam's death in Genesis 2: 17 to the prophecy of mankind's perpetual worship of God in the new heaven and earth (Psalm 72:5), the Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy discusses every verse of prophetic matter in Scripture. It identifies every probable point of fulfillment whether in the past, present, or still in the future.
The first 144 pages of the Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy set forth a systematic approach to the subject of Biblical prophecy and the legitimate place for prediction in it. It is is arranged according to the 66 books of the Bible. In each book, all the verses on one prophetic theme are treated in one combined discussion. For example: The 12 verses of Genesis that foretell God's granting of the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham are discussed together. It is then shown how the promise was fulfilled in the days of Joshua. One of the Encyclopedia's concluding summaries lists all the 737 major subjects that appear in Biblical prediction, with the books and paragraphs in which each is found. This way, each prophecy can be traced from its first appearance in the Bible to its last. Among the many features is a complete list of all the Scriptural prophecies pertaining to Christ. No other book has ever examined Biblical prophecy so thoroughly or presented it in such a balanced perspective as the Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy. This resource is certain to bring a fresh understanding and rewarding insights of the bible.
“This book is destined to become the standard work on Biblical eschatology. It is a very balanced and scholarly treatment from a devout evangelical who is committed to the inspired word of god.”
Edgar F. Sanders, Director Biblical Research Institute
“The most exhaustive work I know of on the subject of predictive prophecy and its fulfillment. It will be the standard work on the subject for years to come and should be in the libraries of clergymen, theological seminaries, and institutions of higher learning.”
Harold Lindsell, Editor Christianity Today
“It is a major work of unusual scope. Although the viewpoint of the author is obvious, he does not overemphasize it, but indicates different methods of interpretation and possible alternative conclusions in controversial passages. In my opinion, the greatest value of this work is its correlation of all possible predictive prophecy into one sequence of presentation, so that other interpreters can gain a better perspective on the total subject.”
Merril C. Tenney, Professor of Bible and Theology Wheaton College
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Dan Phillips