Digital Logos Edition
The "eleventh" or "new" commandment - "that ye love one another" - was given by the Lord himself to His believing church and few Christians doubt its importance in their lives.
This is not the case, however, with The Ten Commandments. The Law of Moses is probably one of the most criticized and misunderstood portions of Scripture.
While some religious leaders make the Law the sole ground of man's salvation, others disregard it as of no value in this age of grace. What should the Law mean to Christians? Dr. Strauss answers that question in eleven searching and thoughtful sermons.
He writes, "Now that Christ has come, the Law is done away...In this present age (it) is not in force, either as a basis of salvation or as the rule of the Christian life. But this doesn't mean that the Law has ceased to have any value to the Christian. Exodus 20 is as much a part of the Canon of Scripture as any other chapter in the Bible" - and as profitable for the believer's up-building.
Since this is true, Dr. Strauss takes the Ten Commandments and the new commandment of Christian love as his subject in these frank talks to believers. You'll find his applications forceful and convincing, and his illustrations illuminating and memorable.
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