Digital Logos Edition
Reading Deuteronomy can be like standing among the children of Israel before Moses, hearing him address us as the next generation of the covenant people of God. Though we will soon pass over the Jordan into the good land, we will still struggle with temptations and opposition. Moses challenges us to face and apply God’s covenant word to new situations.
Raymond Brown guides Christians to hear and appreciate the timeless relevance of this message from the plains of Moab. God’s Law comes alive again as a guide to good living, as a call to wholehearted repentance, and as a promise of healing restoration under God’s merciful hand.
Get the complete Bible Speaks Today Old Testament Commentary Series (33 vols.).
“The Lord is one. He is the only God they can love; there are no others. In times of drought or famine the Israelites may be tempted to turn to Canaan’s fertility gods (6:14) but the Lord here reminds them of his uniqueness; there are no rivals. To love other gods is to pursue nothing. They do not exist. He is the one and only Lord.” (Page 96)
“It is a collection of well-constructed, brilliantly illustrated sermons, based on the message given initially by God to Moses soon after he left Egypt.” (Page 14)
“First, this loving devotion to the one Lord must be shared in the home.” (Page 97)
“For the contemporary preacher, nothing is of greater importance than the painstaking study of that word in Old and New Testament Scripture. The preacher’s task is not to confront the congregation with his own ideas but with the authoritative word of God.” (Page 186)
“M. G. Kline later noted the striking parallels between these Hittite covenants and the literary structure of Deuteronomy” (Page 15)