Win a Ticket to the All About Worship Conference

Jason Hickerson had the privilege of talking to Wisdom Moon about the upcoming All About Worship Conference. Wisdom has been involved in worship ministry and songwriting for over 20 years. Wisdom is the founder of free online resources for worship leaders and songwriters: All About Worship and The Songwriter’s Cafe. He hosts the All About Worship Podcast, works closely with record labels, publishing companies, songwriters and artists, and continues to seek ways to most effectively be a resource to Christian songwriters and worship leaders worldwide.

Can you give a brief history of the All About Worship Conference? What made you want to organize this conference?
This year will be our third year of hosting the All About Worship Conference. I first got the idea six years ago after talking to many worship leaders who were longing for a worship conference where they could actually meet people and build lasting friendships.

The conference was birthed out of a passion to provide a place where worship leaders can build new relationships, in a smaller setting, with the speakers and artists, as well as attendees, while also being a part of powerful times of worship, and participating in top-notch workshops.

You have a huge heart for teaching worship leaders. Can you explain what led you to limit the participants to 100 and focus on leaders in churches with less than 1,000 attendees?
As we all know, most churches in the US are under 1,000 people. I think large conferences are great, but sometimes it is hard to take what we experience at these large events and apply them to our local setting. Most of us can’t reproduce the amazing sound, lighting, and production we experience at these conferences. Worship leaders at churches of under 1,000 deal with unique challenges, and it is difficult to find resources these days that deal with those challenges. That’s why we are specifically designing this conference for those worship leaders. And we know that smaller churches have smaller budgets. That’s why we’ve made our registration very affordable.

We limited it to 100 attendees because we wanted it to be small. We don’t want anyone to get lost in the crowd. We want each person who comes to be able to get to know the other attendees and the speakers and artists, and feel like they made some personal connections.

If attendees walk away with just one thing, what would you want it to be?
Encounter. I want to see each person to walk away having encountered God one-on-one, and go home refreshed and recharged from that encounter.

This is a loaded question—you have your hands in several areas, but what are you working on that you can’t wait to get to get to the public?
We are constantly providing free resources and content through our website and podcasts. Among those is the All About Worship Collective, which has become widely popular. We are about to release All About Worship Collective Volume 9. It’s a free worship compilation, specifically put together as a resource for the local church. We partner with record labels, publishers, and indie songwriters to provide the mp3s and chord charts for free. It will release on April 15 on our website and will be available for 90 days, at which time Volume 10 will release.

What is next for All About Worship as an organization and brand?
We hope to provide more and more training resources for the global body of Christ, free of charge. As a part of that passion, we just released a free mobile app on the Android platform, and we’ll soon release it on the iOS platform as well! You can easily access our content through the app, as well as have some cool tools at your fingertips, like a capo cheat sheet and a Nashville Number System cheat sheet.
We are so excited to be a small part of what the Lord is doing through worship! Thanks for the opportunity to share about it with your readers!

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