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Quickly Find a Topic in Systematic Theologies

searching systematic theologies post image

Imagine you’re studying the Church’s mission, but you’re curious about what your systematic theologies have to say about the Church’s role in bringing justice in the world. You could comb through your systematic theology resources with the Logos Theology Guide, but this could take quite a while. 

Thankfully, the Lexham Systematic Theology Ontology Dataset (LSTO) has annotated almost all of the nearly 400 systematic theology resources Logos offers according to the major topics in systematic theology and made those topics fully searchable. 

For example, with LSTO (included in Logos Silver and above), you can search for “justice” within every resource annotated with the theological topic, “The Church’s Mission.”

Here’s how. 

Open a Basic search and enter:

justice WITHIN {Section <LSTO The Church’s Mission>}

Make sure to use casing (capitalization) within your searches to match the search parameters as shown above exactly.

Hit enter and Logos will populate a list of all the places the word “justice” appears in your resources related to the Church’s mission.

screenshot of Logos Tech Tip for searching systematic theologies

That’s it! 

You can also click here to run the search in Logos if you have Logos desktop installed. (Remember, this will only work in Logos Silver and above.)


Visit the Logos forums for a running list of annotated systematic theology titles. Or visit the Logos Help Center, where you’ll find a slew of articles and videos to help you get the most out of your Logos Bible Software. 


Written by
Adam B. Shaeffer

Adam B. Shaeffer (PhD, Durham University) rarely had time for books until he discovered the fantasy novels on his dad's shelf at age 12; the rest is history. His primary research interests revolve around the interplay between theology and literature, attending to fiction's power to narrate theological insights through the thoughts and lives of imagined people and places. His poetry and fiction have appeared in *Jabberwocky,* *Resident Aliens,* and *This Mutant Life.*

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Written by Adam B. Shaeffer