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Compare Bible Translations as You Study

image of Bible for post about bible translations

By Scott Gassoway

Bible translators make different decisions when it comes to translating the original languages. That is why comparing translations is a valuable step in good Bible study.  Logos makes it easy to spot these differences between various translations.

For example, in Proverbs 18:24, the NIV speaks of “unreliable friends,” but the ESV renders this as “many companions,” while the NLT qualifies these “friends” with added quotation marks.

The Text Comparison Tool identifies all the differences between your base text and any number of translations you want to compare. Check out the video below for a demonstration of how to use this tool in Logos. 

Open the Text Comparison Tool in Logos.

Recommended resources

Check out Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible for concise notes on areas of textual variation in the Bible.

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