When I was sixteen, a youth ministry challenged me to share my faith with my family and classmates. I had grown up in and out of church and didn’t know much of the Bible beyond the epic Sunday school stories most people with some church background...
What you’ll see in this Logos Live episode In this Logos Live, Mark Ward interviews N. T. Wright about his brand new book, Into the Heart of Romans: A Deep Dive into Paul’s Greatest Letter. Mark asks questions about key portions of Romans 8...
Open your social media feed or turn on the news, and you will quickly recognize that we live in a fractured society, one that is deeply divided by competing worldviews and ideologies. In this fallen and broken world, it comes as no surprise when...
If you want to interpret the Bible correctly, you’ll need to use the right tools, and use them rightly. This is surely true for Paul’s letter to the Romans, which is long, complex, and very important to Christian faith and doctrine. Let’s take a...
Since commentaries are such a helpful tool for Bible study and preaching, it makes sense to use them. It also makes sense to search for the best! Not only the best complete commentary series, either—the best commentary for each book of the Bible...
"While the Handbook is hardly a substitute for the real thing, Barth is a fairly intimidating author."
Who was Paul’s audience in Romans? Paul’s writings and the book of Acts give us more data about him than they do about the Roman church. We know nothing about its origins and only a little about its history. Some have claimed that Peter...
Dr. Steve Runge discusses verses like Romans 8:28 that create challenges for Bible translators (:10), and get an animated look at Psalm 36:5–9 (2:50). Get more insight into Romans with High Definition Commentary: Romans If you want more of Dr...
Ben Witherington III discusses his socio-rhetorical commentary on Romans (0:10), and a lesson in how to use fill-in-the-blank questions in Proclaim to engage your congregation (5:00). Study Romans deeper with Dr. Ben Witherington III...
Nijay K. Gupta, professor of New Testament at Northerm Seminary (PhD, University of Durham), contributed a series on biblical commentaries on the Pauline epistles. Dr. Gupta has written three commentaries (Colossians, 1–2 Thessalonians, Lord’s...
Introduction The history of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics is not without controversy, and the apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is no exception. It has more allusions and quotes from the Hebrew Bible than any other New Testament work, but is...
Thomas Schreiner’s BECNT commentary on Romans has just undergone a major revision from the first edition, released 20 years ago. The second edition is a whopping 944 pages of thorough exegetical work, updated with the latest scholarship on...
“I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain” says Paul, while imprisoned. His ambitions are repeated a few verses later: “When therefore I have completed this … I will leave for Spain by way of you” (Rom 15:28). It’s certainly ambitious for him...
To fully understand Romans, you not only need to understand the social history of the book but also rhetoric—the ancient art of persuasion. In A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans (10 hour course), Dr. Ben Witherington III...
As Paul highlights the contrast between Adam and Jesus in Romans 5, he communicates powerful truths about sin. In Confronted by Grace: Meditations of a Theologian, Professor John Webster draws out three ways to define sin using Romans 5, all of...
The January/February issue of Bible Study Magazine features J.D. Greear—pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. In college, Greear’s study of Romans 2 led him to a life-altering realization: “Paul talks about those...
“For freedom Christ has set us free,” the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians. “Stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Gal 5:1). But what does the Apostle Paul mean when he writes of our freedom in Christ...
A mother buries the child she loves. A hardworking husband loses his job. A family goes hungry. All of these scenarios beg the same question: If God is good, why do we suffer? For some—including many Christians today—suffering is a sign of God’s...
Tell me everything you know about the book of Romans. Ready, set, go! Admit it: unless you’re Doug Moo, it’s pretty tough to summarize the background details of even this well-read and beloved epistle. But if you’ve ever preached through the book of...
Romans is Paul’s longest and most important epistle. The letter is filled with significant passages, as Paul unpacks the transformative nature of the gospel. But digging into the text can be pretty daunting if you’re not a Greek-language expert. All...
We heard you liked Paul’s epistle to the Romans. So we handpicked 125 diverse and key volumes in the study, interpretation, translation, and exegesis of Paul’s magnum opus. We made sure to encompass a wide variety of traditions, perspectives, and...