There are few things more frustrating than hearing Bible verses taken out of context, especially if you consider yourself a serious student of the Bible. You know what I’m talking about—some well-meaning Christian quotes a verse. He’s uncovered a...
The book of Proverbs is full of recurring themes, characters, and poetic forms. It covers everything from wealth and poverty, to archetypical characters such as “the foolish man” and “the righteous person.” But one of its most compelling features is...
Textual criticism can be pretty intimidating. Sometimes, it’s hard to even know where to start. Today, I’ll show you how you can incorporate this essential task into your study using Logos 6. You can investigate textual differences in the Bible at...
This week’s Logos Pro post is by Andreas Köstenberger. Dr. Köstenberger is Senior Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He’s also a long...
The Bible covers a staggering sweep of history. From the rise and fall of kingdoms to the intimate turmoil of families in desperate plights, Scripture tells it all. But that breadth also poses a challenge—how in the world do we keep track of all...
Scripture tells the stories of real people living in real places. Abraham left his father’s home in Ur, sojourned in Egypt, and was buried in the cave of Machpeleh. David was anointed by Samuel in Bethlehem, ruled for seven years from Hebron, and...
Tell me everything you know about the book of Romans. Ready, set, go! Admit it: unless you’re Doug Moo, it’s pretty tough to summarize the background details of even this well-read and beloved epistle. But if you’ve ever preached through the book of...
I remember writing exegetical papers before I used Logos. My desk sagged under the weight of bulky commentaries. My notes were scattered across legal pads and word processor documents. I was constantly flipping between my Nestle-Aland, Biblia...
C.S. Lewis once said, “The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance.” Poetry has the unique power to evoke the vast and varied expanse of human emotion. And the Psalms have it all—from...
In two days, you’ll stand behind the pulpit and preach from John 12—the beautiful story of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus. It’s Friday night, but Sunday’s sermon just hasn’t come together yet. After hours of studying the text—consulting...
Logos 6’s Factbook gives you instant information on biblical topics. This tool functions like an encyclopedia, pulling together all the datasets and resources from your library, then presenting powerful overviews of each topic. For example, search...
I’m Todd, one of the Logos Pros at Faithlife. I’m part of a team of expert Logos trainers whose goal it is to educate and empower you with Logos Bible Software so that you can do better Bible study. I’m excited to announce that Logos is offering...
Today’s guest post is from Dr. Mark Futato. Dr. Futato currently serves as the Robert L. Maclellian Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He is an avid Logos user and creatively integrates the software into...
Logos 6 equips you with cutting-edge tools for intense academic work. Enter any passage and consult up-to-date journal articles, investigate textual variants, see cross-references in ancient literature, and connect cultural concepts across your...
Logos 6 delivers new original-language tools for everyone. Track down textual differences across the original manuscripts, master the basics of the biblical languages, or discover the frequency and forms of any Greek or Hebrew lemma. Three of Logos...
The authors of the Old Testament used word repetition to emphasize key points in their writings, but this literary device is not always accessible to English readers. In this video, Todd Bishop will show you an example of word repetition in a...