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Putting Romans in Its Social and Rhetorical Context

Faithlife Today Happy Woman Learning x

Ben Witherington III discusses his socio-rhetorical commentary on Romans (0:10), and a lesson in how to use fill-in-the-blank questions in Proclaim to engage your congregation (5:00).

Study Romans deeper with Dr. Ben Witherington III

Understanding the rhetorical craft that Paul employs is essential for interpreting his letter to the Romans. No less important is understanding the specific issues Paul’s Roman audience was facing and how he uses his arguments to resonate profoundly with them. In this course, Dr. Ben Witherington III provides a socio-rhetorical analysis of this letter, examining the social setting of Paul’s writing and exploring the culture of first-century Rome. He investigates the rhetoric Paul uses, and he considers the flow of Paul’s arguments to reveal the letter’s themes of the righteousness of God and the reconciliation of humanity—Jew and gentile—in Christ.

Get A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans

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Brandmark x
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Logos Staff

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Brandmark x Written by Logos Staff