John Walton explains the interaction between God’s world and God’s Word (0:10), followed by an animated video highlighting why the cultural context of Scripture matters to modern readers (5:10). Study the culture and context of the Old Testament To...
Ben Witherington III discusses his socio-rhetorical commentary on Romans (0:10), and a lesson in how to use fill-in-the-blank questions in Proclaim to engage your congregation (5:00). Study Romans deeper with Dr. Ben Witherington III...
Dr. Lynn Cohick talks about understanding the apostle Paul in his historical context (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser gives some insights on interpreting Scripture (4:55). Study the New Testament with Dr. Lynn Cohick Gain a better understanding of...
The first reviews of The Unseen Realm have been posted and the consensus is overwhelmingly positive. People are raving about the astounding insights found in the book and the accessibility of the writing. Laymen and academics alike have shared their...
For over 500 years, Oxford University Press has published authoritative works by the world’s leading scholars. With the five-volume Oxford Humanities Reference Collection, you can incorporate that renowned scholarship into your study. And if you pre...
Today’s post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials. When we study words and events in...
It‘s all too easy to read Scripture as if it was written yesterday. But when we read the Bible through a modern lens, we open ourselves up to major misinterpretation. If we want to understand the Bible, we need to see it through the eyes of someone...
This week’s Logos Pro post is by Andreas Köstenberger. Dr. Köstenberger is Senior Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He’s also a long...