Prayer by itself has no power whatsoever. It wields no inherent supernatural sway; nor does it involve a formula or ritual which, if done right, guarantees any desired result. Christian prayer is not magic. The measure of prayer’s power, then, is...
Jesus chose to make Nazareth the site of one of the most significant and enigmatic declarations of his early ministry. As the community was gathered in the synagogue for Sabbath, he said: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. What did Jesus mean? Why...
I came to faith in Christ at the age of sixteen because two church ladies shared the gospel with me. The year I became a Christian, the Holy Spirit ignited curiosity within me, especially regarding the characters in the Bible. Thankfully, I now...
It’s a very catchy song. A mysterious minor key, a melody that sticks in your ear, cadences that just ache their way to resolution. It is also ubiquitous—and received uncritically by many who hear it. The song Mary, Did You Know? is as much a...
Joan Osborne’s 1995 pop hit What If God Was One of Us? asked an excellent question. Another song, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing—a famous hymn of Charles Wesley and George Whitefield—gives the correct answer. The ancient world had many deities, even...
Have you ever looked closely at Jesus’s story of the Good Samaritan? All knowledge begins with asking basic questions, and through the magic of internet technology, I know what people out there are asking about the Sermon on the Mount. I see...
Centuries of focused concentration by the church have distilled language for discussing the Trinity, the two natures of Christ, and the person of the Son of God. Contributors to Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Intermediate Christology, edited...
Perhaps you’ve heard it spoken, read it on a T-shirt, or heard it in a song. Jesus wants to be your friend. Jesus is my best friend. What a friend we have in Jesus. In some ways, the idea of friendship with Jesus is appropriate. Jesus taught that...
The Lautenschlaeger Award is a prestigious academic prize awarded to ten doctoral or first post-doctoral works in theology and biblical studies. Each winner is awarded a financial prize and the opportunity to propose an international colloquium on a...
Christopher Croom | Columbia International University Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) Introduction This famous portion of Scripture that has been rendered as a standalone verse is directly related to the crucifixion scene of...
“What does God say about hell?” asks Kris Brossett, kicking off his two-article series on the topic. Brossett proceeds to survey the three historic Christian views of hell—eternal torment, conditional immortality, and universalism—and commendably...
by Kris Brossett In Part I of Kris Brossett’s series he discussed three views of hell, including Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT), Annihilationism/Conditional Immortality (ACI), and Christian Universalism (CU). In this second section, Kris...
"Grudem’s new chapter deserves a full response, and particularly one which presses in on the coherence of his affirmation of eternal generation with his reaffirmation of eternal functional subordination and with his view of the divine will"
See also Part 1 and Part 2. A Case Study in Matthew 2:1–12 There are forty-seven verbal forms in this pericope; all but 10 verbal forms are perfective aspect. Of those ten forms that are not perfective, one is stative, two are future, and the...
Who can we know about the historical Jesus? While according to Barna most Americans (92%) believe Jesus was a real person,many know nothing about him—or what they know is wrong. As Eugene Peterson puts it, “Rumor, conjecture, salacious gossip...
Textual criticism is a hot topic among biblical scholars. The views on the discipline’s profitability span the extremes of being of crucial importance for serious scholarship and the opposing view of being hostile towards the revered doctrines of...
"This verse illustrates well that we cannot separate translation from theology. To do translation is to do theology."
In this article, I argue that we have been too apt to accept ancient and popular interpretations of Jesus’ wilderness testing in Matthew 4:1-11. Three issues warrant a fresh interpretation: the translation of πειρασθῆναι, our understanding of...
"Responsible scholars and pastors will invest time into familiarizing themselves with the same apocryphal texts that Jesus and his apostles had either read or heard during their own lifetimes."
"As the Lucan Jesus states, the Christ-movement is the 'community amidst a violent world' (“lambs among the wolves,” Luke 10:3) which fights for harmony, peace, and welfare in the context of injustice and oppression."
Inviting Students to Confront Their Misrepresentations About Jesus Michael Kibbe | Great Northern University “The Gospel of Mark can be summed up in two words: Rome wins.” I speak these words about sixty minutes into my first hermeneutics session of...
If you’ve been a Christian for very long or were raised in a Christian church, chances are that you’ve heard that the Bible is really all about Jesus. That cliché has some truth to it, but it’s misleading. The truth is that there’s a lot in the...
By Kevin Vanhoozer This excerpt from Kevin Vanhoozer highlights the importance of not just hearing God’s voice but truly listening with the intent to obey what he says. In perhaps the most famous Arabian Nights story, Aladdin discovers a magic...
It’s easy to imagine what Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, or the Magi were thinking and feeling when they encountered the baby Jesus for the first time. I can imagine the mix of excitement, nerves, and expectation as they wondered when God would...
I recently had the opportunity to ask a few questions of Chris Keith, the editor of the prestigious NT monograph series LNTS, the Library of New Testament Studies (T&T Clark/Bloomsbury). His responses were colorful and insightful, giving a...
“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!… I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt 16:17–18). The “gates of hell”? Why did Jesus respond to Peter’s confession, “You are...
Did Jesus have a sense of humor? Explore the possibility in this article by Dr. Samuel Lemerson, professor of New Testament and president of Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Rediscover The Original Jesus From hit songs to bumper stickers to football eye-black, Jesus is trending high wherever you look. But at the end of the day, many “try Jesus” and come away disappointed in the experience. That’s because the Jesus of...
In Matthew 4:1–11, Jesus is led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Whether you see this passage as a formula for resisting temptation, a glimpse into Jesus’ true character, or something else, there’s a lot we can learn by...
Dr. Craig Evans is an expert in the background of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and ancient manuscripts. He is also an excellent communicator. In the six-course Mobile Ed: Craig A. Evans New Testament Backgrounds Bundle, Dr. Evans...