Logos Bible Widget – Free Download!

We just launched a free Dashboard widget (for Mac users only–sorry, PC folks!) that can be downloaded from www.logosbiblewidget.com or from Apple.com.

What’s a widget? It’s a handy little application that sits in the Mac OS X Dashboard and does something useful. Usually, just one thing or a couple of things. In the case of the Logos Bible Widget, you can…

Look up any Bible verse instantly! Simply type or cut and paste any scripture reference into the Logos Bible Widget and instantly see the entire verse. Easier than grabbing your Bible off the shelf, faster than going to Bible Gateway, and best of all, it’s free!

But wait, there’s more…! Another reason to install the widget (on a Mac only, remember?) is that we’ll use it to announce Logos for the Mac when it ships. So not only can you subscribe to the Logos for the Mac email…you can also keep tabs by installing the widget.

Written by
Daniel Foster

Daniel enjoys explaining technology to people, capturing the perfect screenshot, playing board games, and world travel. Not in that order.

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Written by Daniel Foster