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Can We Still Believe the Bible?

Dr. Craig Blomberg discusses why we can believe the Bible (:10), and Ryan Nelson talks about how Flavius Josephus influences our understanding of the New Testament. See why we can still trust Scripture Challenges to the reliability of Scripture are...

God and the Pandemic

The coronavirus has impacted the Church in unprecedented ways. In this Faithlife Live, N. T. Wright discusses a different perspective for responding to the pandemic, why it’s important to be rooted in Scripture, and how to carry out the Church’s...

Why Dr. Roger Olson Rejects Calvinism

Dr. Roger Olson discusses predestination and Calvinism (0:10), and Elliot Ritzema shares about the Spurgeon commentary series (2:00). Explore Dr. Olson’s argument against Calvinism Dr. Olson holds degrees from Rice University, North American...

An Interview with the 1-Minute Apologist

Bobby Conway talks about the One-Minute Apologist and how it got its start (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge talks about questioning our own expectations when interpreting the Bible (4:00). Keep learning from Dr. Conway with Introducing Evangelism Gain...

Common Preaching Mistakes

Dr. Bryan Chapell identifies common mistakes preachers make (:10) and then discusses ways preachers can focus their messages on Christ (4:20). Prepare and deliver Christ-centered sermons In these courses on expositional preaching, Dr. Bryan Chapell...

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