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God and the Pandemic

The coronavirus has impacted the Church in unprecedented ways. In this Faithlife Live, N. T. Wright discusses a different perspective for responding to the pandemic, why it’s important to be rooted in Scripture, and how to carry out the Church’s calling amid it all.

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Learn more from N. T. Wright about responding to the coronavirus

What should we think about the coronavirus crisis? Some people think they know: “This is a sign of the end,” they say. “It’s all predicted in the book of Revelation.” Others disagree but are equally clear: “This is a call to repent. God is judging the world, and through this disease, he’s telling us to change.” Some join in the chorus of blame and condemnation: “It’s the fault of the Chinese, the government, and the World Health Organization.”
N. T. Wright examines these reactions to the virus and finds them wanting. Instead, he shows that a careful reading of the Bible and Christian history offers simple though profound answers to our many questions, including:

  • What should be the Christian response?
  • How should we think about God?
  • How do we live in the present?
  • Why should we lament?
  • What should we learn about ourselves?
  • How do we recover?

Written by one of the world’s foremost New Testament scholars, God and the Pandemic serves as a guide for reading today’s world events through the light of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Get God and the Pandemic now.

Get Collected Essays of N. T. Wright (3 vols.)

Collected Essays of N. T. Wright brings together N. T. Wright’s most important articles on Scripture and hermeneutics, Jesus and the Gospels, and Paul and his Letters over the last three decades.
Here is a rich feast for all serious students of the New Testament. Each essay in this three-volume collection will reward those looking for detailed, incisive, and exquisitely nuanced exegesis, resulting in a clearer, deeper, and more informed appreciation of Scripture and its application to Christian life and thought today.
Get Collected Essays of N. T. Wright (3 vols.) today

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Logos Staff

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