Author - Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

5 Reasons You Should Use Pre-Pub

What’s the best way to get the latest Logos resources at the best possible price? By participating in a program called Logos Pre-Publication (Pre-Pub). Here are five reasons to get started. 1. Pre-Pub gives you the best deal Using Pre-Pub means you...

Recommended Books from Justin Wise

Establish your church’s social media presence Did you know that you can see reviews of a church on Google Maps or Yelp? Have you considered what new people might find your church through a friend’s social media? How often have you talked about...

What’s New in Logos Now 6.6

With a Logos Now membership, you gain access to new and improved features, datasets, and media as soon as we make them. Instead of waiting for the next major release of Logos, get access to the latest tools and data today. Every six weeks, we roll...

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