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Key Works by Abraham Kuyper Available in English for the First Time

Lexham Press is pleased to announce the publication of a major series of new translations of Abraham Kuyper’s writings in public theology. Created in partnership with the Acton Institute and the Kuyper Translation Society, Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, and we hope it will deepen and enrich the church’s interest and engagement in public theology.

Abraham Kuyper

205 Kuyper 7Abraham Kuyper (1837–1920) was one of the most extraordinary individuals of his time. A prolific intellectual and theologian, he founded the Free University in Amsterdam and was instrumental in the development of neo-Calvinism. He was also an active politician, serving as a member of Parliament in the Netherlands beginning in 1874 and serving as prime minister from 1901 to 1905.

At this intersection of church and state, he devoted much of his writing towards developing a public theology. His passion was to faithfully understand and engage culture through a Christian worldview. The most famous example is his articulation of the doctrine of common grace. His work has influenced countless others, including Francis Schaeffer, Cornelius Van Til, and Alvin Plantinga.

Collected works

Kuyper 12v_PDPKuyper’s Collected Works in Public Theology include eight key works spread across 12 volumes:

  • In Kuyper’s seminal three-volume work, Common Grace, he presents a constructive public theology of cultural engagement rooted in the common humanity Christians share with the rest of the world.
  • In Pro Rege, Kuyper applies the principles laid out in Common Grace to life under the lordship of Christ.
  • In Our Program, Kuyper constructs a Christian alternative to the secular politics of his day. His political program sees the church and state engaging fully with each other while remaining fully separate.
  • The six other volumes in the collection are anthologies of Kuyper’s thoughts, writings, and speeches on a wide variety of subjects: caring for the poor and personal social ethics; Christianity’s relationship to Islam; the church and ecclesiology; business & economics; and education.

Order the collection today and get a free preview

The first full volume in the collection, Our Program, will be released on November 10. Until then, we’re giving away free previews of three forthcoming volumes in the collection! These three excerpts from the Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology introduce Kuyper’s thoughts on the church, education, and public theology. Get these free previews today!

For a limited time, you can get the entire 12-volume set at an amazing discount. If you purchase both the Logos digital edition and the print edition, you’ll save over $500 off the full price. 

Never before available in English, these works will introduce a new audience to the thoughts of one of Christianity’s most thoughtful public theologians. Pre-order now!

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