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What to Do When an Apostle Won’t Return Your Calls


The use of language, whether it’s Greek or English, spoken or written, is a true art form—perhaps the only one we practice every day. Instead of choosing colors from a palette or notes from a scale, we choose from a list of vocabulary, grammar, and linguistic devices in order to create meaning. The possibilities are endless.

This variety gives our speech and our writing vibrancy, but it can also cause confusion. How often do we stop and ask, “What did you mean by that?” Even though we practice the art of language every day, our messages are not always received as they’re intended.

When reading the New Testament we need this clarity more than ever. When we come across a confusing passage, we can’t exactly pick up the phone and ask an apostle, “What did you mean by that?” However, we can analyze the linguistic devices they used, and this can help us understand the New Testament authors’ true intentions.

Discourse-grammar expert Dr. Steve Runge expands on this idea in the following clip. He gives an example of how a tiny change in language can have a drastic impact on its meaning—and how this can help us interpret the New Testament.

Dr. Runge is passionate about helping pastors understand these linguistic devices in order to improve their exegesis and exposition. He has been invited to share his cutting-edge research at seminaries and colleges across the globe, and now his teaching is available to you through Logos Mobile Education.

In the Discourse Analysis Bundle Dr. Runge provides a fundamental understanding of these linguistic (or discourse) devices using illustrations from pop culture and everyday life. He then teaches you to apply these principles to an exposition of Philippians. He discusses the features and structure of the Greek text, and then provides ideas and examples of how to convey these ideas in a sermon.

If you’d like to better understand the art of language that the New Testament authors practiced to convey their message, Dr. Runge is an excellent guide.

Save $180 when you pre-order the Discourse Analysis Bundle today.

author ryan rotz x
Written by
Ryan Rotz

Ryan Rotz is a web developer and marketing strategist living in the Seattle area.

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author ryan rotz x Written by Ryan Rotz