The Future of Bible Study Is Here: See What’s New in Logos

Mark Futato Explains How to Teach and Preach the Psalms

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John Calvin called the Psalms “an anatomy of all the parts of the soul,” meaning there is not a single emotion in all of life that is not articulated in the book of Psalms.

When Dr. Mark Futato realized the Psalms’ broad relevance to all of life, it sparked a deep-rooted passion for researching and teaching this rich book of the Bible in a way that helps others do the same.

He brings that passion to his new two-course Mobile Ed bundle, Understanding the Psalms.


Interpreting the Psalms for transformative teaching & preaching

Better preaching and teaching of the Word begins with better interpretation. With these two new Mobile Ed courses, you will not only benefit from Dr. Futato’s years of experience teaching on the Psalms in the seminary classroom, you will also see firsthand how his interpretative methods—which helped translate the Psalms for the New Living Translation—are used to craft a powerful sermon.

In OT221 Introductory Issues in Psalms, Dr. Futato provides an easy-to-follow introduction to the Psalms, including a discussion of what it means to read these rich texts as Hebrew poetry, history, theology, and wisdom literature. This course also provides a helpful way to understand the organization of the Psalms and how they collectively point toward the Messiah.

CM328 Preaching the Psalms goes more in depth to show how an informed reading of the Psalms can enrich your preaching. Knowing the different genres found in the Psalms helps you to engage each psalm not only according to its original purpose, but also according to your audience’s everyday experiences of lament and celebration. Drawing from both his scholarly research and his experience as a pastor, Dr. Futato will walk you through the step-by-step process of using a specific psalm to craft a sermon from start to finish.

Two days left to save

Dr. Futato’s Psalms Mobile Ed courses can help transform your teaching for a tangible impact—and they’re 40% off on Pre-Pub! Reserve your copy today and save big!

author ryan pemberton x
Written by
Ryan Pemberton

Ryan Pemberton is the author of Called: My Journey to C. S. Lewis’s House and Back Again (Leafwood Publishers) and Walking With C. S. Lewis: A Spiritual Guide Through His Life and Writings (Lexham Press).

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author ryan pemberton x Written by Ryan Pemberton