In the ancient world—as for most time since—the gospel of Christ was primarily spread by verbal proclamation, i.e., preaching, and in those days there was no shortage of gifted preachers. Among the pre-modern sermons of which we have record, John...
How many times have you heard this in a sermon? How many times have you preached this in a sermon? Faith in Greek is pistis, which means fidelity or trust. In Hebrew, the word usually translated as faith is emunah, which means steadfastness or...
As Easter Sunday approaches, now’s a great time to ask how to make sure your Easter sermon connects with your audience. Here are three ways to do just that. Preach with power through vivid illustrations and practical application Since the days...
Even if you’ll never preach a single sermon in your entire life, you should still know what good preaching is. And not just so you can spot (and avoid) bad preaching; not even so you can seek out good preaching. You need to understand what...
How would you rate your preaching skills? When you walk up to the pulpit on Sunday morning, what do you carry with you? Maybe it’s a gnawing anxiety over a point you needed just one more hour to develop. Or perhaps it’s excitement for the central...
Most Christians would agree that a biblical sermon is a good thing, but how many would actually be able to define what makes a biblical sermon biblical? “The fact is, most people think biblical communication is a style,” says Dr. J. Kent Edwards...
Friday, June 19 was Charles Spurgeon’s 181st birthday. In celebration, there are three exciting ways we’re helping you benefit from the vast wisdom of “The Prince of Preachers.” To celebrate, pick up the 10-volume Spurgeon Commentary Collection: New...
John Calvin called the Psalms “an anatomy of all the parts of the soul,” meaning there is not a single emotion in all of life that is not articulated in the book of Psalms. When Dr. Mark Futato realized the Psalms’ broad relevance to all of...
On June 7, 1891, Charles Spurgeon stood before the congregation gathered at London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle and began his Sunday message with these words: “Those who associate themselves with a leader must share his fortunes . . ...