The Future of Bible Study Is Here: See What’s New in Logos

Exciting Ways to Benefit from Charles Spurgeon’s Wisdom

Spurgeon Tiled

Friday, June 19 was Charles Spurgeon’s 181st birthday. In celebration, there are three exciting ways we’re helping you benefit from the vast wisdom of “The Prince of Preachers.” To celebrate, pick up the 10-volume Spurgeon Commentary Collection: New Testament Letters.

New volumes in the Spurgeon Commentary series

Spurgeon GospelsWe recently announced four new volumes in the acclaimed Spurgeon Commentary series. These four volumes are split between two collections—Old Testament and Gospels. Here are a couple of tidbits about these new volumes.

  • The backbone for the exposition portion of these commentaries is Spurgeon’s own verse-by-verse expositions, which we then supplement with content from his sermons and other writings. There actually aren’t very many expositions for Song of Songs, so getting a full commentary out of his content was up in the air. But then we found that he preached a ton of sermons on the book (63 by our count). Now Song of Songs is projected to be one of the longest volumes in the series!
  • In most commentary series, the commentaries on longer books don’t usually go into as much detail as commentaries on shorter books. It isn’t all that unusual to have a commentary on Luke be the same size as, say, a commentary on 1 Corinthians, even though Luke has over 2.5 times as many verses as 1 Corinthians. The goal for this series is to go into just as much detail in the Gospel volumes as we did in the volumes on the letters, making sure that people who are studying a particular passage don’t get shorted when it comes to content because of print space limitations. In fact, the two volumes on the Gospels are projected to be over 2,200 pages combined!

The Spurgeon Commentary Collection: Old Testament and the Spurgeon Commentary Collection: Gospels are excellent additions to your Logos library—pick them up now.


Spurgeon’s incredible biblical wisdom is unparalleled in the modern era, but there is one thing that sets Spurgeon apart from all other contemporaries. In his own words: “Growing a beard is a habit most natural, scriptural, manly, and beneficial.”

You, too, can celebrate Spurgeon’s bearded legacy by sharing a photo of your beard, real or fake, using the hashtag #SpurgeonBeard. Post your photo as a comment on this Facebook post or use hashtag #SpurgeonBeard on Twitter and mention @LexhamPress.

Spurgeon Tiled


The Spurgeon Commentary series makes Spurgeon’s content accessible—there is no longer a need to comb through many volumes of Spurgeon’s content looking for one nugget of wisdom. Spurgeon’s writings are now curated in a format that is tied to the biblical text. Benefit from the incredible wisdom of Charles Spurgeon, passage by passage.

There are 14 volumes in this incredible series—start your study of Spurgeon’s work today!

Written by
Jake Mailhot

Jake Mailhot is the product manager for Lexham Press. He also writes about baseball and lives in Bellingham, WA.

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befbbefbedfdbad?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by Jake Mailhot