Learn what the ascension of Jesus is, why it is called the ascension, what Jesus's last words were before he ascended, and more.
John 1:16 reads, “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” But what IS grace? The briefest definition of grace is “favor,” specifically “unmerited favor from God.” Put another way, it’s receiving what we don’t deserve. ...
Much of the Christmas season is packed with gathering, traveling, and gifting. But one easy way to reflect more on Jesus’ life (even during the busiest days) is by spending a few minutes in an Advent or Christmas devotional. See several options...
Samuel Pearce was a Baptist pastor known in eighteenth-century England for his moving preaching and strong, pious character. In his short life, he supported believers in his own parish and in the many cities where he preached and helped send...
It’s been called the “heart” of the promised land—a 141-square-mile triangle in the north-central area of Israel. Today, the Jezreel Valley is Israel’s breadbasket. A beautiful plain of fertile fields and winding roads, it’s hemmed in by rolling...
The answer to “how to be a good dad” could fill volumes. (Scroll to the end for a few.) But there’s one key that can help translate all the other advice for Christian dads, like the Rosetta Stone. That’s allowing yourself to be a father shaped by...
In today’s churches, pastors are often expected to be jacks of all trades but also master the art of the care of souls (what Harold Senkbeil identifies as the “enactment of the word of Christ upon the souls for whom our Lord shed his blood and...
Although “performance review” may seem like a corporate term, it’s simply a way of tracking growth or decay—matters that concern every organization. Here are some quick tips on church performance reviews, as well as the unfortunate task of employee...
The definition of spiritual endurance (or “steadfast endurance”) is this: the power to withstand hardship or stress; especially the inward fortitude necessary. This definition from Logos Bible Software (Bible app and Basic package available free) is...
Daniel Ritchie was born without arms and faced a unique kind of adversity daily. Yet after surrendering his life to Jesus, he learned that only in Christ could true worth and purpose be found—freeing him from comparisons and restrictions and...
For nearly 2,000 years, Christians have recited the Apostles Creed. Why? Why after millennia is it still important . . . still relevant? Here’s a short answer from Ben Myers in The Apostles’ Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism and the new...
Like lighting Advent candles, Advent readings (for church services or personal devotions) provoke a pause from the everyday. There’s nothing quite like navigating the special weeks of Advent: preparation, anticipation, joy, and incarnation. ...
Christians understand the meaning of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem . . . but there’s so much that’s hazy in our imagination and understanding of the details. Popular Christmas songs, Christmas movies, and Christmas media have given us the wrong idea...
Bible study can be as addictive as eating Fritos: “You can never eat one. You can eat a half a bag, but not one.” That’s what Chuck Swindoll, one of the best Bible teachers, says. But for many Christians, reading the Bible feels like eating...
Pastors have a monumental calling. Acts 20:28 instructs, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” Whether you’re...
How should Christians relate to the Old Testament? Was the author of Hebrews against it? Adrio König explores these questions in this excerpt adapted from Christ Above All: The Book of Hebrews The basic message of Hebrews is that Christ is...
I have two young adult children, and as they finished high school, I remember feeling the weight of knowing I hadn’t equipped them well enough to process many issues they would face that could potentially challenge their beliefs. I had tried my...
By E. Tod Twist If you’ve ever pondered the meaning of life in “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) or even in “Christ who is your life” (Col. 3:4), this excerpt from Bible Word Studies: A How-to Guide will show you how to dig a...
In pastoral leadership, you’ve got God’s grace to sustain you. He’ll help you through the rough times . . . but wouldn’t it be nice if there were fewer of them? In this excerpt adapted from Pastoral Leadership: For the Care of Souls, longtime pastor...
In preaching and other Bible teaching, your big strength can become a weakness. If you are good at careful analysis of biblical texts, don’t stop there. Remember always to go on to theology. Analysis and synthesis belong together, like hot air...
By Curtis Zackery The Bible calls us to be a living sacrifice. But what does that mean? Curtis Zackery explains in Finding Soul Rest: 40 Days of Connecting with Christ: A Devotional. *** As followers of Jesus, the best thing we can celebrate...
When we’re talking about eschatology (that’s the study of the end times), it’s easy to get confused by the different terms people use. Before you really dig into the topic, it’s helpful to know the four main views of the end...
This post is lightly adapted from “Preach to the outer edges” by Patricia Batten in Preaching Points: 55 Tips for Improving Your Pulpit Ministry, edited by Scott M. Gibson (Lexham Press, 2016).
Learn little-known facts about polygamy in the Bible, what Jesus says about polygamy, and whether Jesus and Paul changed God’s commands.
By John Bornshein Why is it important to pray? Knowing the answer—and then doing something with that knowledge—has the power to change our lives. How, exactly? Read on. This excerpt comes from A Prayer Warrior’s Guide to Spiritual Battle: The Front...
“How is it almost Christmas?” I ask that almost every year—but especially in this one . . . 2020 . . . the year that has somehow moved by slower than a slug but quicker than a Tesla Model S on the Autobahn—simultaneously. (Motion sickness, much...
After a year that feels oddly like we’ve all walked into an episode of the Twilight Zone, Harold Senkbeil’s Christ and Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley—which just won the 2021 Christianity Today Award of Merit in the Beautiful...
In our busyness leading up to December 25, the date set aside to remember when God entered time and space to dwell or “tabernacle” with humanity, have we missed the beauty of anticipating Christmas and what it means? In this excerpt from A Light Has...
We can learn a lot from others about prayer, but often we forget to seek out the Bible and how others throughout biblical history prayed. Yet we can glean much from Old Testament prayers and those faithful few who prayed them and approached God...
Today is National Book Lovers Day, a day set aside for those unique souls whose idea of a perfect vacation involves long days of reading. Those folks who never leave their house without a book in hand, those lovers of words who find more joy in the...