Why doesn't John Piper need BDAG very much?
Though best known as a civil rights activist, Martin Luther King, Jr. was first a minister, his faith motivating his zeal and commitment to social justice. You can explore King’s life, theology, and activism in Martin Luther King Jr. for Armchair...
Sometimes, it can feel like you need a seminary education to dig deep in the Word. But, thankfully, there’s an easier (and much cheaper) way. With Logos Bible Software, you can study the Bible in-depth without getting overwhelmed because...
Is there a best method for how to use Bible commentaries? As songwriter Sara Groves says, “There’s no way to know it without discovery.” Groves isn’t talking about Bible commentaries (or how to use them) when she sings that line, but...
Since commentaries are such a helpful tool for Bible study and preaching, it makes sense to use them. It also makes sense to search for the best! Not only the best complete commentary series, either—the best commentary for each book of the Bible...
What Bible study methods are the best? First, what’s important is not how you engage with the Bible but that you do it. Because the Word of God is “living and active” (Heb 4:12)—how God chose to communicate with the people he created—the simple act...
Logos is an incredibly useful tool straight out of the box (or off the website). But as with any tool, it can take some time to get to know it well and use it better. As an academic user, you’re also coming to Logos from a specific angle. Your...
The Logos catalog of titles is growing! We’re proud to announce that Wordsearch Bible is transitioning to Logos and that Wordsearch users are currently being migrated to the Logos study platform. As a result, we’ll be able to add thousands of...
Dr. Roger Olson discusses predestination and Calvinism (0:10), and Elliot Ritzema shares about the Spurgeon commentary series (2:00). Explore Dr. Olson’s argument against Calvinism Dr. Olson holds degrees from Rice University, North American...
Dr. Craig Evans explains the difference in how the original audiences of Scripture read the texts (:10), and Dr. Mike Heiser talks about the significance of reading ancient texts that the biblical authors read as well. Study the world of Jesus and...
A few years ago, I wrote a few segments for a popular Bible study. I loved every little bit of the research and thinking and writing, but I was relying on a stack of books about half my height (which isn’t saying much—I’m not a tall...
Dr. Arterburn discusses how the book of James provides help for recovery (0:10), and Dr. Runge shares a lesson on an important Greek particle that often gets lost in translation (2:30). Practice wisdom in critical matters of everyday life What...
There’s a contemporary commentary series on wish lists galore—the NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC). Why is the NIV Application Commentary series so popular? Three particular reasons come to mind: NIVAC helps readers bring Scripture’s...
I have lots of biblical commentaries. Which one do I look at first, and which one do I look at when I’m just quickly checking a cross-reference and want to make sure I’m not missing something? It used to be that I would just check the top-rated...
The Pastoral Epistles have long been regarded as wise instruction for the benefit of the church. But in the last two centuries these texts have often been sidelined in the academy due to suspicions of pseudepigraphal (false) authorship and seemingly...
Breeze through the Paideia commentary series description and you might miss its distinguishing mark: The Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament approaches each text in its final, canonical form, proceeding by sense units (pericopes) rather than...
Like Romans, Galatians has been at the center of theological debate concerning Paul’s theology. At the heart of the issue is Paul’s view of the Law. Thankfully, several excellent commentaries are available, a few written in the last year or two...
Scholars have long been fascinated by the window that 1 Corinthians provides into life of the early Christians. In this letter we also have creedal information, gender relationship teachings, and—what’s up with “baptism for the dead” (15:29)...
Nijay K. Gupta, professor of New Testament at Northerm Seminary (PhD, University of Durham), contributed a series on biblical commentaries on the Pauline epistles. Dr. Gupta has written three commentaries (Colossians, 1–2 Thessalonians, Lord’s...
“If I could only own one full set of commentaries, the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testaments would be my choice. . . Like a fine wine, it has continued to improve with age.” — Randy McCracken, author and professor Like BDAG...
The Reformation Commentary on Scripture is an important and growing collection of biblical commentary. Esteemed Christian historian Mark Knoll says of it, “The Reformation Commentary on Scripture is a major publishing event—for those with historical...
What kind of preaching pleases God? That’s what Dr. Kent Hughes, esteemed preacher, professor, and editor of the Preaching the Word Commentary Series discusses in the excerpt below. *** A Word to Those Who Preach the Word There are times when I am...
Commentaries are one of the best ways to dive into the details of Scripture. But maybe you’ve been intimidated by the sheer number or sizes of commentaries (some are over a thousand pages). What’s a commentary? Commentaries contain observations and...
Dr. Rod Mattoon (DMin, Bethany Theological Seminary) is the author of Treasures from the Scriptures (65 vols.), a massive exposition on almost the entire Bible. He has been preaching since 1972 and has served as a senior pastor since 1991. In this...
The Logos Pentecostal and Charismatic Package gives you trustworthy commentaries, devotionals, and other inspiring resources for fresh perspectives, insights, and a more vibrant spiritual life. Take this opportunity to supplement your current base...
The letters to the Thessalonians are often overlooked within the Pauline corpus. Paul’s meatier theological writings, such as Romans or Colossians, often get most of the attention, but 1 and 2 Thessalonians are packed with theology, too. In his...
“There’s no way to know it without discovery.” — Sara Groves, songwriter Groves isn’t talking about commentaries when she sings that line, but she’s describing a fundamental truth about deep knowledge: it only comes by discovery. And...
The Anchor Yale Bible boasts 90 volumes and top ratings, but why else is it worth adding to your library? Here are four simple reasons . . . It’s study step #1 In many circles the Anchor Yale Bible series is known as the go-to “Monday commentary,”...
In the Job volume of the NIV Application Commentary, John Walton (professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College) suggests that the book of Job isn’t focused just on the nature of suffering, the way we’ve always thought. Rather, it’s all about the...
Christmas was easily my favorite holiday when I was kid. My family kept so many traditions that made the holidays special. However, it wasn’t until I became a youth pastor in my native Kentucky that I understood just how stressful...